We had LWTDSL this week which gives anyone the opportunity to learn an aspect of what is taught at the data school by a current data schooler, So I taught a lesson with a fellow data schooler on Alteryx Favorites and Transformation Tools. This lesson was done remotely and did not have many students, but what I learned in the experience was very valuable to me.
- Planning is Key
Going into the lesson we had created a lesson plan, PowerPoint and separate Alteryx Workflow templates to work through. This made the flow of the lesson much better was we always knew what was next and it made it easier for the class to follow
2. Make a Script
You don't need to go overboard on this, you don't need to have every word written out next to you. But making notes on what your going to say and importantly practicing what you will say will make it feel much more natural when it comes to teaching.
3. Don't be deterred by lack of interaction
This one is mainly for when teaching online, but you cannot expect the students to have cameras on and to be interacting with the lesson. This means maybe don't ask lots of questions or expect the students to stop you when they don't get something. Otherwise you will be creating a lot of awkward silence for yourself.
4. Slow down
Again more relevant to when teaching online, but leaving natural breaks after you demonstrate something allows users to tab out to there workflow and replicate what you have done, If you go too quick they may fall behind and then give up on the lesson.
5. Enjoy it
Teaching wont be for everybody but try to focus on what you are gaining from the experience and see it as a learning experience for yourself. If you are enjoying your lesson they the students are more likely to as well.