How to fail successfully on your Alteryx certification exam.
What is the Alteryx exam: The Alteryx core exam is designed to test you on your knowledge and application of the main tools. The exam in 2 hours in total and is open book ( so yes you can use the google to search for answers.) There are 73 multiple choice question and 7 practical questions. Before starting the exam you should be familiar with the tools shown below.
TIP 1: Use interactive tools to prepare.
Alteryx provides interactive lessons covering the basic/general aspect of the tools, be warned the interactive lessons does not cover everything. The lessons can be found here: Interactive Lessons - Alteryx Community
TIP 2: Time Management.
The most challenging aspect of the Alteryx exam is time management, according to Alteryx you have 75 seconds to answer a 1 mark question ( multiple choice question) and 4 minutes to answer a practical question worth 3 marks, that includes downloading and inputting the data.
I would say, if you cannot answer the question / do not understand what the question is talking about after reading the question a second time, put in an answer and bookmark the question and move on to the next one. Also, do not leave the practical question till the end.
TIP 3: More Alteryx Challenges.
On the Alteryx challenges website the is an option that allows you to select the level of difficulty you would like the challenges to be at, work your way up from basic to core or even higher than that if you like.
If you do not want to do that, here are some challenges that are more relevant to what you could potentially be asked.
Challenge #87: Losing Daylight - Alteryx Community
Challenge #93: Pumpkin Production - Alteryx Community
Challenge #106: How Long were the Lights On? - Alteryx Community
Challenge #192: Crane Leasing - Alteryx Community
Challenge #260: Fuel Me Once... - Alteryx Community
Challenge #256: Working Fore The Weekend - Alteryx Community
Challenge #68: Elapsed Classroom Times - Alteryx Community
Challenge #102: Tabulating Flu Data - Alteryx Community
Challenge #144: Secret Santa Assignments (BAH HUMB... - Alteryx Community
Challenge #58: An Odd String to Date Conversion - Alteryx Community
Challenge #189: Billboard Top 100 - Alteryx Community
Challenge #222: Where There's a Whale There's a Wa... - Alteryx Community
Challenge #193: Unofficial Holidays - Alteryx Community
Challenge #49: Reformatting Transactional Data - Alteryx Community
Challenge #88: Counting Combinations - Alteryx Community
Challenge #169: Women's World Cup Wins - Alteryx Community
Challenge #164: Retail Therapy - Alteryx Community
TIP 4: Answer All The Question.
In the exam you have an option to bookmark questions, it is best to select an answer then bookmark, this is just incase you do not have enough time to come back to that question.
TIP 5: Don't Stress. (Practice exam + Micro credentials for confidence)
The exam is FREE so you can take it as many times as it takes to pass, you just need to wait 7 days between attempts.
If you need confident do the Alteryx micro credential, every person I know who has done the exam has passed and I am 99.99% sure you will too.
Good Luck!