Dashboard Week Day 4: Try Again!

Final day of dashboard week and the final day of training!

We were tasked to create our initial interview dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/charles.yi/viz/RockbusterBusinessOverview/StoryRevised2

I created this dashboard using a tutorial dataset from Postgre that was provided to me by my bootcamp, CareerFoundry. I remember this dashboard well because it coincided with my first time learning SQL.

When I made it through the interviews, I was told that I was fortunate to have made it in when my initial application was from fake data.

The extent of what I knew about Tableau was extremely limited at that time, and my bootcamp had a penchant for using story boards, vice long-form dashboards. So with the limited knowledge that I had, I created a dashboard analyzing the performance of a fictional movie rental company called Rockbuster.

Looking through it again in a long time brought back some fond memories of my first foray into data analytics. And helped me reflect on the progress that I've made.

My revamped dashboard is now in long-form and utilizes several interactive elements that I've learned, including dynamic zone visibilities, drill downs, set actions, and parameter actions. With a one-day suspense, it isn't perfect, but I'm more focused on the progress that I've made since day one.

Because we are surrounded by so many talented people in the Data School, it has been easy to feel constant imposter syndrome. But today, rather than it being stressful, the project afforded me some time and space to reflect on the progress I've made.

Check out my revamped dashboard here! https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/charles.yi/viz/DashboardWeekDay4_RockbusterBusinessOverview/Dashboard12

Charles Yi
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