Dashboard Week - KPI Dashboard

This week is dashboard week and we have been tasked with producing different types of dashboards. Today's challenge was to build a high-quality KPI dashboard for craigslist rent listings data in the San Francisco area.

The main aim was to be able to build something that's very easy to read and digest but also contains a lot of data and gives answers to as many questions as possible.

For my KPI dashboard, I looked at the average (avg) price, square footage, and baths as well as the min and max price throughout the data set.

These views could then be broken down into a specific year where it will show how the prices changed throughout the months as well as showing the average for that month throughout the years.

Overall I think my dashboard looks very clean and does an excellent job at describing and portraying all the data in a very easy-to-read way. It offers a range of exploration and insight whilst showing only key indicators and values.

Here's a link to a view of my viz as well as a link to my tableau public: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/carlos.pacheco/viz/CraigslistRentListingsInSanFranciscoKPI/AvgPriceOverall?publish=yes  

Carlos Pacheco
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