Sara Hamdoun

Sara joined The Data School from an entrepreneurial background, having started her first business at the age of 18 and later graduated with a Business Enterprise degree. It was through her own business experience and working with other organisations, that she discovered the power and importance of analysing and understanding data. Keen to learn more, Sara attended a Meet & Greet event hosted by The Data School where she discovered the infinite possibilities of what Tableau and Alteryx can achieve. She was encouraged and inspired by The Data School’s ethos and knew this was a perfect place to pursue a career in data analytics.

Blog Posts

Fri 21 Jun 2019 | Sara Hamdoun
Dashboard Week – Day 5 (Power lifting)
Today was the final day for dashboard week and guess what, we were reunited with Tableau Desktop 😊 Lily and Nick found a data set on Kaggle []about the history of power-lifting
Thu 20 Jun 2019 | Sara Hamdoun
Dashboard Week – Day 4 (Candy Survey Data)
Day 4 we had to visualise survey data about candy. We were only allowed to use Tableau Prep to clean the data. I was pleased to use Tableau Prep, as I’ve mainly be using Alteryx. Below is my workflow: However, we had to create our visualisation on Web Edit
Wed 19 Jun 2019 | Sara Hamdoun
Dashboard Week – Day 3 (Solar System)
Today we used an API to access data about the Solar System. Extracting the data was fairly okay; below is my Alteryx workflow: However, it wouldn’t be dashboard week if it was that simple… Oh no we had to use Power BI instead of Tableau
Tue 18 Jun 2019 | Sara Hamdoun
Dashboard Week – Day 2 (Battlefield Sites)
Today we had to visualise data about battlefield sites in the U.K. using data from Historic UK. It has been a long and tiring day; I’ve never used so much Regex before What have I learnt today… 1
Mon 17 Jun 2019 | Sara Hamdoun
Dashboard Week - Day 1 (UFO's)
Today Andy gave us a data-set about UFO’s, we were tasked to scrape the website for all UFO sightings across all years and then produce a cool dashboard
Mon 20 May 2019 | Sara Hamdoun
How to create a dumbbell chart on Tableau?
A dumbbell chart illustrates the change between two (or more) data points. To create a dumbbell chart on Tableau you will need to create a dual axis; one of the axes has a mark type of a line and the second axes has a mark type of a circle
Mon 20 May 2019 | Sara Hamdoun
Quick Tableau Tip - How do you add '+/-' OR '▲/▼' to labels?
This is a simple yet cool tip when indicating whether a number is positive or negative. For this example, I will use the Sample – EU Superstore data set to analyse the total number of sales sold in each segment during each quarter. 1
Sun 14 Apr 2019 | Sara Hamdoun
5 Top Tips when creating a dashboard
Hi, I’m Sara (part of DS14). I thought it would be helpful to share some top tips when creating a dashboard on Tableau 1) Have a clear idea/ understanding on what you want to visualise
Tue 09 Apr 2019 | Sara Hamdoun
My goals and expectations of The Data School
To be honest, I have fairly high expectations of The Data School and myself only because everyone here is so amazing… There are loads of things I would like to achieve. To name a few: 1. Develop soft skills, so I’m able to present and teach Tableau/ Alteryx to others 2
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