Ross Easton

Ross studied Law at Newcastle University, but upon graduating decided that a career in the law was not for him.

The Data School provided the perfect opportunity for a transition into a more fulfilling and exciting career in data, from a relatively unrelated and data-less career in law. He had always held a fascination for well-presented data and is particularly excited by the incredible variety – and ever-increasing number – of applications that exist for data science in the modern world.

Blog Posts

Tue 09 Aug 2022 | Ross Easton
‘Why should you apply early to The Data School New York?’
The deadline to apply for The Data School New York’s second cohort DSNY2 is August 12, but you don't need to wait that long to apply! Here are our top 5 reasons why you should apply early to The Data School New York.
Fri 10 Jan 2020 | Ross Easton
Dashboard Week - Day 5: Adventures in Power BI
For the final day of our dashboard week we were set a new challenge – to make a dashboard in Power BI. I had never even seen anyone use this software before, but have been excited to try it for a while. So this was always going to be an interesting morning. As it was it was somewhat frustrating
Thu 09 Jan 2020 | Ross Easton
Dashboard Week - Day 4: Californian University Attendance Data 1894-1945
Today contained an added challenge, as we were tasked with doing this project entirely in Tableau version 8
Wed 08 Jan 2020 | Ross Easton
Dashboard Week - Day 3: US Census Data
Today I encountered some very frustrating issues very early on. The data we were intending to use came in a SAS format which, upon trying to access in alteryx I found to be locked and actually to be in a
Tue 07 Jan 2020 | Ross Easton
Dashboard Week - Day 2: Google Copyright data
Today I was faced with a great deal of time pressure – leaving the DS at 2 in the afternoon for a teaching commitment meant I had to approach today’s challenge in a different way, and in many ways reign in the scope of my project on what is a very comprehensive and interesting dataset
Mon 06 Jan 2020 | Ross Easton
Dashboard Week Day 1: European Water Quality Data
And so it begins… Here at the Data School, this week is Dashboard week. This means that every day this week myself and my DS17 colleagues will be tasked each morning with prepping some data, vizzing it and writing a blog about it all by 5pm so that we can present it the next morning
Tue 26 Nov 2019 | Ross Easton
Making Custom Views in Tableau Server
Today I’m going to share with you a very simple trick I learnt in Tableau Server. Many of you may not have noticed this little button here…
Thu 21 Nov 2019 | Ross Easton
So you want to know how to make a Connected Scatterplot in Tableau?
A scatterplot is an excellent way of analysing the relationship between two variables across a period of time, and also has the bonus of looking quite cool and being a bit more unusual than a simple line chart
Tue 29 Oct 2019 | Ross Easton
An Intro to Basic String Calculations: Left, Mid and Right functions
As someone who had never encountered formulas in any capacity before beginning to use Tableau, I often find myself encountering a problem and thinking ‘I bet there is a really simple way of solving this’
Mon 21 Oct 2019 | Ross Easton
Bored of the same old colour schemes? Follow these steps to spice up you life in Tableau
How to add custom colour schemes in Tableau People are visual creatures. Tableau users even more so
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