Nhung Le

Nhung graduated an interdisciplinary Master in “Public Economics, Law and Politics” (Lüneburg 2020). During her studies, she worked as a student research assistant in an empirical research project, where her journey of statistics began. This experience made her realise that she had fun working with data; notably she started to think of how to make statistics more understandable, accessible and exciting for a larger group of people. That’s how Nhung found her way to the Data School Hamburg.

The 4-month-training programme and various client projects at the Data School have improved her technical and soft-skills as well as widened her vision on the way to be a data analyst. Quickly she was in the world of Tableau, Alteryx, SQL and enjoys deepening her knowledge there through the projects and fun challenges/public visualisations.

Out of working hours she is keen on riding her bike on sunny days, cooking, Café hoping at weekends.


Blog Posts

Thu 20 Oct 2022 | Nhung Le
Filled shape chart in Tableau
In a visualization, I played around with filled shape charts. I want to explain inflation in a simple way: with the impact of inflation, you can buy less through time, paying the same amount of money. Inflation | Nhung Le | Link Actually they are easier to make then you think
Thu 20 Oct 2022 | Nhung Le
Easy Sunburst Donut Chat in Tableau using Map Layer
Today’s blog show you how to create an advanced pie chart – sunburst donut chart using Map Layer. This way you do not need to work with floating element on your dashboard and you need only one worksheet
Wed 20 Jul 2022 | Nhung Le
A customer project with DSDE2 – Data School Hamburg
A four-month-training program offers all data schoolers various opportunities to learn and experience the work as a data analyst. As a part of the program, we have 8 one-week-projects, so that each of us could take the role of being project manager once
Thu 14 Jul 2022 | Nhung Le
Alteryx Spatial: using Summarize tool and Formular tool to work with spatial object
Let's look at this example together. On this photo you see two spatial objects (polygon). Now I want to have their intersection. The typical way would be using one of the spatial tools, in this case the Spatial Process tool
Thu 14 Jul 2022 | Nhung Le
How to set different color legends for columns in Tableau highlight table/heatmap
Highlight tables and heatmaps help people to read the information more effectively because the texts stand out with different colors. On the photo is a simple example of superstore table with 4 measures (Discount, Profit, Quantity and Sales) for each state
Mon 27 Jun 2022 | Nhung Le
Two ways to find and replace a part of the string value using REGEX in Alteryx
Sometimes it is very practical to be able to change a part in a string value (like what you do with Find and Replace in MS Words). Ever since I got to know REGEX, I learned how to do it in Alteryx. This blog will show you two ways of doing it
Thu 02 Jun 2022 | Nhung Le
How to link your public dataset or anything (elegantly) on your dashboard
Today is the third day of the dashboard week. Each day we receive a dataset from our mentor, from public sources, and work on an dashboard during the day
Wed 01 Jun 2022 | Nhung Le
Showing dynamic photos on your dashboard
For today’s Dashboard we got this Dataset [https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ayhmrba/elon-musk-tweets-2010-2021?select=2010.csv] about Elon Musk's tweets on Kaggle. As a part of the Dashboard, I built a Tweeter-liked table showing his tweets and photos belonging to the post
Tue 31 May 2022 | Nhung Le
Makepoint and Makeline functions in Tableau: easy explanation and tutorial!
For today’s dashboard we have this dataset showing number of people moving from Hamburg to other states in Germany and the other way round. The dataset is here [https://www.govdata.de/web/guest/suchen/-/searchresult/q/Wanderungen+Hamburg/f/groups%3Asoci%2Cstate%3A02%2C/s/relevance_desc/start/01.01
Tue 31 May 2022 | Nhung Le
Bar Charts with Candlestick showing difference in Tableau
For today’s dashboard, I built a bar chart with candlesticks showing difference between bars. This blog is a tutorial on how to do this in Tableau. 1. Build a bar chart (one axis) Tip: Drag the second value in the axis to have Measure Values and Measure Names 2
Sun 15 May 2022 | Nhung Le
Re-creating any average lines in Tableau by using LOD
I know LOD is not the favorite topic for everyone. In the last Blog post I explained my approach, which helped me the last time to figure out how to build LOD calculation in general and to recalculate the average line in particular. Here is a short review
Sun 15 May 2022 | Nhung Le
Using LOD to calculate different reference lines in Tableau for beginner: the approach
Reference lines, especially average line, are often used in analysis with Tableau. It could be easily done using Analytics Pane, where you can drag the Average Line for the whole Table, each Pane or each Cell
Mon 09 May 2022 | Nhung Le
Write Back Extension in Tableau (by Xpand IT)
For the project last week, Kristine and I built a Write Back Extension to the dashboard. I will tell more about it in this blog post
Mon 09 May 2022 | Nhung Le
Nested sort to add multilevel sorting on the view in Tableau
Sometime, there is the case when you sort items, for example to sort the students according to their scores, it happens  that many students have the same score
Sat 07 May 2022 | Nhung Le
How to create a star rating system in Tableau
There are multiple ways to rank items. In a ordinal scale (for example, how good is the product rating from 1-9), we have to define first there 1 means the best or the worst. Often we see a rating star system on movie websites or amazon. We could also transfer our rating system into a star system
Sat 07 May 2022 | Nhung Le
Tableau tip: how to add data last updated date time to dashboard
In particular cases, it is practical to know when is your data last updated. For example, for a client project we built the write back extension in our dashboard
Fri 29 Apr 2022 | Nhung Le
Time & Expectation management when doing customer projects
The DSDE2 has went through the fifth customer project this week. We are coming slowly to the end of the journey (what??? so fast???). We have learnt a lot the last weeks. I remember the first weeks started with a mix of excitement, stress, confusion, and yet proudness in the final presentations
Fri 29 Apr 2022 | Nhung Le
Interaction between different Dashboards using Dashboard Actions in Tableau
In today’s blog I would like to show you a tip to set up interactions between different dashboards. An example in this context is: I have one dashboard which shows me the aggregated values of countries (showed in dots, shapes, bars, etc.)
Tue 26 Apr 2022 | Nhung Le
Embed link to a bar chart? It is easier than you think
Today’s blog show you how to embed URLs link into your dashboard. In some cases it is really practical that you could click directly on the visualization, to go to the websites for more detail or to link to the videos/songs/movies mentioned
Tue 26 Apr 2022 | Nhung Le
How to create a basic timeline in Tableau
Do you sometimes have the idea of creating a timeline in tableau, showing the development or evolution of the values through years? It is practical to have the years/times of event showed in your dashboard. Here are several examples of that I found in Tableau Publish
Sun 10 Apr 2022 | Nhung Le
How to create a quick LOD in Tableau
LOD (Level of Detail) expressions are used to compute values on different levels of granularity. Among the expression, FIXED expression is very powerful as it allow users to control the calculation an entirely independent level. From the version 2021
Fri 01 Apr 2022 | Nhung Le
Using a dummy variable to highlight the worksheet/dashboard
Actions are often used when creating a worksheet or dashboard. But often it is the case that when you have your action done and click on that, it highlighted only what you click on and blended other values in the background
Sun 27 Mar 2022 | Nhung Le
Showing changes in Ranking over time: try bump chart
Background: I have a data sheet containing data on sales in different territories. Now what I want to look at is the performance in each territories over time. An effective way to do it is to see the trend in ranking through the whole period. Today I will introduce you a so-called bump chart
Sun 20 Mar 2022 | Nhung Le
Using Set Actions to create a dynamic Reference Band – a step-by-step tutorial
Today’s blog is a tutorial on how to create a reference band using set actions. We are using the Superstore data sample from Tableau 2021.4. Using set actions we can make the reference lines dynamic that the borders update automatically according to the area you choose in the view
Sat 12 Mar 2022 | Nhung Le
Blog Marathon for a week dairy- a self-challenge and things learnt
Until last week, I had only one blog post on the Data School blog site.  It was, obviously, not so many
Fri 11 Mar 2022 | Nhung Le
It’s Project Time again!
Another training week has come to the end. This week was pretty tense, but we has gained a huge amount of knowledge from amazing trainers. To round the week up we had an interesting Friday project visualizing our curriculum dashboard
Thu 10 Mar 2022 | Nhung Le
Create a drill down bar graph using set actions: a step-by-step tutorial
Today we had an exciting lesson with Ruth learning to apply set actions and I really enjoyed it. I was fascinated how many cool things we are able to do using applications of set actions in Tableau
Wed 09 Mar 2022 | Nhung Le
Add your own color palettes in Tableau
In data visualization Tableau, colors is a really important part of your work. The right chose of colors raises positive impacts of the visualization as well as helps to transfer more effectively your messages to the audiences
Tue 08 Mar 2022 | Nhung Le
Bewerbung für eine Analyst Stelle auch wenn du das Hauptprogramm gar nicht kennst? Ja, es ist machbar!
An zukünftige Data School-er. (Im Kurzen: Achtung: Der Bewerbungsprozess ist echt aufwendig. Spoiler: Es hat sich gelohnt. Und anschließend gibt es ein Update
Tue 08 Mar 2022 | Nhung Le
Create your own custom shapes in Tableau
In data visualization the Marks Card is used very often to add details to your data. By dragging fields into different properties, you encode your data with its functions, for instant add label, or change color, size or shape of the fields. In this blog post I want to focus on the shape mark
Mon 07 Mar 2022 | Nhung Le
RegEx output methods in Alteryx
RegEx stands for Regular Expression and is used in various coding languages. There are several applications of RegEx, for example to clean data, to search for specific patterns and replace or parse them. In Alteryx, RegEx could be found under the tool group “Parse”
Thu 17 Feb 2022 | Nhung Le
Organize your table
In analytics in general and Tableau in particular you will work a lot with table. Not only appearing in input & output data, tables could also be used to show detailed values in your viz. Hence, tables should be precise and neatly organized, in order for users to look up and compare information
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