Marc Reid

Marc Reid

With a background in software engineering, English teaching abroad and business analysis, Marc completed an MSc in Business Intelligence and then work in Human Capital Analytics.  After seeing the power of Tableau to uncover insights, Marc is looking forward to helping people explore and visualise their data.

Blog Posts

Tue 23 May 2017 | Marc Reid
Reflections on Data School
The last three months have passed by very quickly, which is probably reflective of the amount and variety of tasks and learning over that time
Fri 21 Apr 2017 | Marc Reid
A Look at Andy Kriebel's 286 Runs
For the final day of Dashboard week the focus switched to Tableau with no data prep required in Alteryx.  Coach Kriebel, keen runner that he is, provided us with a ready made .TDE (Tableau Data Extract) with a mix of data about 286 of his previous runs
Thu 20 Apr 2017 | Marc Reid
Download and merge 800 CSV files in Alteryx
Today’s challenge for dashboard week required us to download data from []about risk factors from noncommunicable diseases, analyse the data and create a visualisation.  Full details on the task can be found here [
Wed 19 Apr 2017 | Marc Reid
Working with Dynamic Input in Alteryx
It’s day 2 of the joyous Dashboard Week at the Data School and more fun with Alteryx and Tableau.  Today we looked at importing multiple worksheets from an Excel file, merging the data together and then building a dashboard from the data, which was all related to migration statistics
Wed 19 Apr 2017 | Marc Reid
Creating a Batch Macro in Alteryx
My previous two blog posts looked at creating an iterative macro [] in Alteryx and an Analytic App [] to call the iterative macro
Wed 19 Apr 2017 | Marc Reid
Creating an Analytic App in Alteryx
Creating an Alteryx Analytic App with user interface controls My previous blog post [] showed how to create an iterative macro in Alteryx
Wed 19 Apr 2017 | Marc Reid
Creating an Iterative Macro in Alteryx
Creating an iterative Alteryx App using the flickr API “getPublicPhotos” method For this project, I wanted to download data about photos stored on flickr – the photo sharing website owned by Yahoo
Thu 16 Mar 2017 | Marc Reid
Customising Tableau Server Analysis Dashboards
Wed 15 Mar 2017 | Marc Reid
HTML Embed Parameters
When sharing links to your workbooks on Tableau Server by using embedded links, there are a number of different parameters that can be added within the HTML code to provide additional functionality or alter the default way the workbook would be viewed
Tue 14 Mar 2017 | Marc Reid
Tableau's many file types
In this blog we’ll take a brief look at the myriad file types that exist within the Tableau ecosphere: * .TWB * .TWBX * .TDS * .TDE * .TDSX * .TMS * .TPS .TWB – Tableau Workbook When you first save your work in Tableau desktop, this is the default file type
Mon 13 Mar 2017 | Marc Reid
Keeping the Alteryx workflow in order
For the first DS5 client project I was tasked with building out the Alteryx workflow to load four data sources and perform the necessary joins and data transformations at the end of which a .TDE file would be produced with clean data that could be used as a source for the client dashboards
Thu 23 Feb 2017 | Marc Reid
Makeover of Data School appliation
For the Data School application I was given a dataset containing meter readings for a variety of buildings across London including: 10 Downing Street, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Tate Modern and a number of Parliament buildings
Fri 17 Feb 2017 | Marc Reid
As first weeks go...
… it was fairly intense.  Data visualisation fundamentals, lots of drawing (..on paper.. with crayons!), graph building and a #MakeoverMonday session, an inspiring talk from Tableau Zen Master Rob Radburn [https://twitter
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