Linda Duong

Linda joined the Data School after finishing her degree in Psychology when she discovered her passion for analytics, storytelling, and visual design.

Throughout her placements, Linda has gained experience across diverse sectors, including finance, technology, hospitality, and automobile. Her expertise lies in the development and enhancement of Tableau dashboards, paired with a strong sense of design. As an advanced user of both Alteryx and Tableau, she has acquired proficiency in:

  • Crafting public-facing and accessible dashboards for events such as the Olympics
  • Channeling her passion for sustainability into a project for Alteryx
  • Optimizing the performance of data-intensive dashboards
  • Cerating of the first See-Saw and Checklist charts on Tableau Public (links provided for reference)

Tableau Certified Data Analyst
Alteryx Core Designer Certificate

Apart from being an advanced user of Tableau and Alteryx, she has experience using PowerBI, SQL, and R.

In her previous studies and roles, she also conducted and evaluated social experiments, some of which required advanced statistics, and managed projects and teams.


Blog Posts

Wed 05 Apr 2023 | Linda Duong
How to make a See-Saw chart
Recently I've been browsing through Pinterest and saw a see-saw chart that caught my attention since I've never seen anything like this before on Tableau. So I decided to make it for one of the Makeover Mondays. Here's how I created it. Dataset: How to..
Fri 03 Mar 2023 | Linda Duong
Dashboard Week- Day 5 Multiple Device Layout
On the last day, we had to build an analyst dashboard that works on multiple devices. The data that we used was on kickstart projects that requested crowdfunding to meet their budget goals
Thu 02 Mar 2023 | Linda Duong
Dashboard Week- Day 4 Power BI
4th day of our dashboard week at the DS was focused on using a different software than we are used to - Power BI. Our task was to use some sample data to come up with a KPI business dashboard. Get samples for Power BI - Power BIBuilt-in samples and apps in the Power BI service,
Wed 01 Mar 2023 | Linda Duong
Dashboard Week- Day 3 Marvel Infographic
As part of dashboard week, for the third day, we were set the challenge to create an infographic. For this we used the following dataset on Marvel comic Avengers deaths: https://data
Tue 28 Feb 2023 | Linda Duong
Dashboard Week- Day 2 Smoking Data
Today we were challenged to build a dashboard using US Census Data related to tobacco use. The first problem I faced was handling the .dat file format the data came in
Mon 27 Feb 2023 | Linda Duong
Dashboard Week- Day 1 Accessibility
First day of dashboard week, we had to design a dashboard based on accessibility guidelines. My task was to make a dashboard on UK’s COVID-19 cases that’s accessible to as many people as possible
Wed 18 Jan 2023 | Linda Duong
How to show the difference between categories and the selected category with parameter actions
0:00/1× Using Sample-Superstore data source I'm going to walk you through how to create a chart where if you select a category the other categories are compared to the selected one. Step 1. Create a parameter based on the Sub-Category field. Step 2
Wed 14 Dec 2022 | Linda Duong
How to Make a Quadrant Scatter Plot
Let's use Sample Superstore data to create a scatter plot divided into quadrants using sets. This chart shows the quantity and profit ratio of each customer. The upper right quadrant is customers in the top 200 for profit ratio and top 100 for quantity. Step 1
Mon 05 Dec 2022 | Linda Duong
How to create row ID in Tableau Prep
In Alteryx, when we don't have row ID we can just put a Record Id tool in that creates them. How do we do that in Tableau Prep? There's not a straightforward function in Tableau Prep. But with these 2 steps can create row IDs.: Step 1
Thu 10 Nov 2022 | Linda Duong
Pivot (Tableau Prep) vs Crosstab & Transpose (Alteryx)
This blog will demonstrate the difference between pivoting in Tableau and Alteryx through examples
Fri 02 Dec 2022 | Linda Duong
Challenges in the DS so far...
We just finished our first 4 weeks of training and here are some things I've found challenging and how I am trying to address them: 1. Time pressure on tasks. One of the main things that we are taught is to provide high-quality work in a short amount of time
Fri 25 Nov 2022 | Linda Duong
Planning Tips Before Building a Dashboard
Week 3 presentation at the DS. My task was to create a Viz and share my planning and execution process. Step 1. Think through the steps that need to be completed and assign a timeframe. Example: Step 2. Think about the user story, and the question you want to answer
Fri 18 Nov 2022 | Linda Duong
Cleaning Up My Dashboard
Week 2 presentation at the DS. My task was to update my final interview viz based on what we learned the past few weeks
Fri 11 Nov 2022 | Linda Duong
Aggregations in Tableau Prep
At the end of my first week at the Data School, I had my first presentation on the material we learned. The topic I chose is Aggregations in Tableau Prep. This blog is going to walk you through the steps of aggregating data. What is Tableau Prep? Let's start with looking at Tableau Prep
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