Kristine Wiesner

Kristine holds a Master's degree in Energy and Environmental Engineering and specializes in Sustainability Finance. She previously worked for an Energy Storage company, where she grew to enjoy Data Analysis while monitoring project performance. She then participated in a Data Science Bootcamp during the Covid Pandemie, and deepening her interest in Data Analysis through learning new tech stacks.

In 2022, Kristine joined The Data School Germany, where she was immersed in real-world projects using Tableau and Alteryx during her training. In her first two client projects, she was a consulting data analyst in a media tech company, where she worked with the Business Intelligence and Strategy team on SEO Analysis, Chapter Performance, and Commercial Reports using Snowflake, Tableau, and Tableau Server. Currently she is involved in Sustainability projects, utilizing Alteryx to build workflows and pipelines for calculating GHG Emissions and ESG metrics.

As an advocate for sustainability, Kristine aspires to use her skills to contribute to climate change efforts and social impacts in her own small ways. Since 2021, she is a volunteer Data Science Mentor at Techlabs Hamburg, supporting young people in developing their data literacy skills. She also recently joined Sustainability Tableau User Group (TUG).


Blog Posts

Wed 01 Mar 2023 | Kristine Wiesner
How to create "Traffic Light" Scorecard
I came across a project where I have to color multiple metrics with some condition, meaning with different ranges for each metric.  This is an example of a SEO traffic light scorecard. First step is to compute for the rates or metric needed
Fri 29 Jul 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Comparing Cumulative Sales Current vs. Prior Years in Tableau
One of the useful chart to show comparison of multiple years performance or metrics is a cumulative chart. Say I want to compare the cumulative Sales for the last year and current year up to the current month
Mon 25 Jul 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Show and Hide Filters in Tableau
As a matter of preference, sometimes end-users want to see Filters only as option, either to show / hide them rather than a permanent element in the dashboard
Mon 11 Jul 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
How to create "Reset Filters" button in Tableau
Most of the times, we create our dashboards with several filters, which we imagined the end-user will be able to select and view the information they want to see
Fri 24 Jun 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Cohort Analysis with {LOD} in Tableau
Cohort Analysis is a useful for tracking customer behavior towards products and and their performance over time.  In marketing, this can be useful tool to analyze customer loyalty by looking closely at their retention rate, life cycle and lifetime value
Wed 22 Jun 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Pimp-up Your Navigation Buttons in Tableau
The "Navigation Button" in Tableau is a very useful button that allows you to switch one dashboard (or worksheet) to another.  This button can be found among the "Objects" buttons at the bottom left of the Dashboard Pane
Fri 24 Jun 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Troubleshooting: Why some labels won't show-up in Tableau Server?
Ever experienced having a different output shown from Tableau Desktop to the Server? Missing labels?  Changes in format? This can happen due to the fact that both platforms (your computer and the server) may have different settings and therefore rendering the display can also vary
Thu 26 May 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Common Calculated Field Errors in Tableau
Here are some common calculated field errors one can encounter while starting to learn Tableau. 1. "Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function" This is probably the most common error that we encounter
Thu 09 Jun 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Dashboard Week Project 4: "Global Internet Shutdowns 2021"
Our last dataset for the dashboard week is from #KeepItOn coalition which tracks down internet shutdowns worldwide.  I have read their report and they have very interesting KPIs which I want to emulate in my dashboard and use the story mode for the presentation
Wed 08 Jun 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Regex in Tableau Prep
During our dashboard week last week, I was faced with a situation in data cleaning with Tableau Prep, where I have to separate a field of number codes individually so  I can match these codes to another file
Thu 02 Jun 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Dashboard Week Project 3: "The Gender Pay Gap in UK"
"Two individuals, about same age, with degrees, equally smart... one earns less, over qualified, have to work part time and less chances of getting promoted... because shes a woman. " Today's dataset was about Gender Gap pay in UK taken from
Wed 01 Jun 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Dashboard Week Project 2: "Elon Musk's Tweets"
Our second dataset for dashboard week was about Elon Musk's tweet taken from the Kaggle [] site.  This is another first, I have not made a dashboard for text analysis before
Tue 31 May 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Dashboard Week Project 1: "Bevölkerungswanderung in Hamburg"
Today we worked on the migration data of Hamburg taken from the official German Data Portal.  The data covers the information from 2020 to 2021 (upto Q3 only).   I used Tableau Prep to clean the data and also referred to my colleague Oksana who loves working with Prep too
Sat 28 May 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Recreating Hans Rosling's Work in Tableau
Hans Rosling (1948 - 2017)  was the Swedish physician and professor behind the famous "Joy of Stats" [] in 2010 and founder of Gapminder Foundation
Fri 20 May 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Modifying List Items in Filter
This week I learned a new trick from Coach Martin on how to modify a long list of Filter into showing only the items need to view and visualize.  Unlike Exclude options in filter,  this method simply hides all the other items on list, as shown in the image below
Wed 11 May 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Calculated Fields in Tableau
Calculated fields enables users to create fields in the data source and these fields will operate just as any other field from the original source
Tue 10 May 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
The Analytics Pane
Tableau's analytics pane includes easy to use drag-and-drop analytics tools namely reference lines, totals, forecasts, clusters, box plots and more.  Some tools may be available only for specific use or configuration. Once a tool is drag in the view, the Table, Pane and Cell options are shown
Tue 10 May 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Geospatial Data
Geospatial Data in Tableau comes in two primary forms namely: geographic fields and spatial data files. Geographic fields can be assigned to fields in any source as long as field types and roles are assigned correct
Tue 10 May 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Combining Data in Tableau
While preparing for the Data Analyst certification exams, I realized there are a lot of basic but essential topics and terms that needs to be recalled.  Therefore I am writing a couple of blogs to help me go through them
Sun 01 May 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Understanding {LOD} Level of Detail Expression
One of the things I could not get around while learning Tableau is this concept of LOD or Level of Detail Expression.  By doing some practical challenges in Workout Wednesday [], it has helped me to understand the concept better
Fri 22 Apr 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Generate Test Data with Mockaroo
Mockaroo [] is an online tool that generates test data quickly and easily with few clicks, with no programming skills required
Wed 16 Mar 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Parameters vs Filters in Tableau
How are parameters different from filters?  This table summarizes the main difference. Tableau defines parameters as workbook variables like a number, date, or calculated field that allows users to replace a constant value in a calculation, filter, or reference line
Tue 15 Mar 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Working with DateTime in Alteryx
Alteryx, how many days has it been since I started in Data School that is, from February 7 until today, March 15? "36 days".  And how many days old is Data School as of today?"2,457 days". One of the important parsing tools in Alteryx is the DateTime
Mon 14 Mar 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Pie & Donut Charts in Tableau
Pie charts can be an effective visualization when showing part-to-whole relationships.  Often we see data as 100 percent and we want to know how a certain portion is relative to the total
Thu 10 Mar 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Wie ich erfolgreich in die Data School Deutschland gekommen bin
Tableau? Alteryx? Ich hatte keine Ahnung, als ich mit meiner Bewerbung begann. Ich sah diese Stellenanzeige für einen Datenanalysten bei Linkedin und füllte ein Formular aus, um an einem Informationsabend teilzunehmen
Tue 08 Mar 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Visualizing Rat Sightings in New York Subways Using Alteryx and Tableau
New York City has serious rat problem since 1800s and for centuries it is seemingly an unsolved one.  It is apparently the home of at least 2 million rats and this problem is still prevalent despite rat-busting and sanitation efforts.  According to an article in The Guardian [https://www
Sun 06 Mar 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Failure Is A Good Teacher
I was not successful in my first attempt to pass the Alteryx Core Exam.  I faltered under the time pressure and didn’t finish the all 80 questions with in the 2-hours’ time
Fri 18 Feb 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
Week 2 Friday Project: A DSDE2 & DS29 Collaboration
What’s gonna work? Zoomwork…I mean Teamwork!  I had the pleasure to virtually meet James Charnley today, the Biologist and aspiring author from DS29. We worked on the UK Covid-Deaths database, compared our Tableau work and prepared a presentation within the allotted time
Wed 16 Feb 2022 | Kristine Wiesner
How to Approach Data Analysis
Exploratory data analysis in Tableau doesn’t necessary mean building fancy charts
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