Juliana Camparotti

Juliana’s vast experience in the chemical industry brought her to London where she earned her MSc in Applied Analytical Chemistry from UCL. Data analysis was at the foundation of her studies, and as her analytical skills flourished, she was encouraged to explore more challenging and exciting applications outside of the lonely chemistry lab.

When she came across The Data School, she was stunned by the power of Tableau and Alteryx and instantly decided to dive into it.

Blog Posts

Fri 10 Jan 2020 | Juliana Camparotti
Dashboard Week Day 5: Building a KPI Dashboard using Power BI
I’m very excited to start learning Power BI, as it will be a requirement for my first placement
Thu 09 Jan 2020 | Juliana Camparotti
Dashboard Week Day 4: Historical data with an even older Tableau version
Today we were given the oldest data set I’ve ever worked with. It is about the Californian Universities Students’ Enrollment in the late 19th century to 1946. The data was not hard at all to collect. With only one click we download the whole data in an Excel file
Wed 08 Jan 2020 | Juliana Camparotti
Dashboard Week Day 3: American Survey Data
On the third day of dashboard week, we were tasked to collect data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) Database [https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/sipp/data/datasets.html] to work on
Tue 07 Jan 2020 | Juliana Camparotti
Dashboard Week Day 2: Copyright Infringements
Second day of dashboard week was about copyright infringements. The data came from the Google Transparency Report [https://transparencyreport.google.com/copyright/overview]. The objective was to choose one topic out of the database to download
Mon 06 Jan 2020 | Juliana Camparotti
Dashboard Week Day 1: Waters of the World
Today we started our Dashboard Week! Our task of the day was to work on the historical data from The Global Water Quality database operated by the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC)
Tue 26 Nov 2019 | Juliana Camparotti
Tableau Server 101
Tableau server, a product from Tableau, is an online platform that provides employees within an organisation a safe space to collaborate and interact with Tableau content and different data types in a very efficient way
Tue 29 Oct 2019 | Juliana Camparotti
How to fill in missing data without the need of a Scaffold data set - Alteryx
Last week at the Data School, we learned how to do Data Scaffolding using Tableau Prep Builder and Alteryx. One of the exercises on the Preppin’ Data blog (Week 3, 2019) already comes with the Scaffold Data set that is necessary for Tableau Prep Builder
Sun 13 Oct 2019 | Juliana Camparotti
DS17 First Project Time (that I didn’t complete!)
Our first week in the Data School was purely focused on Alteryx basic tools and I’m so excited to discover what else this genius piece of software is capable of! It was my first time using Alteryx and it didn’t take me long to regret about not trying it out before
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