Jose Valero

Jose comes from the south of Spain. After graduating from Malaga University in Business and Management, he arrived in London to learn English to complement its curriculum. After working at a fast food restaurant for a year, he managed to land a job at Pure as a Commercial Analyst, where he fell in love with data. After the completion of an online course, one of the reviewers mentioned the Data School to him, and he joined it 3 months later. Right now, he is focused on studying, learning and building a career in data analysis.

Jose supports and leads an eco-friendly life. He is deeply in love with outer space and all the science behind it, being his biggest dream to go there.

Blog Posts

Fri 23 Aug 2019 | Jose Valero
Dashboard Week #5 - Uber Speed data
This was our last project for the dashboard week and we were tasked to look at the movement dataset from Uber [
Thu 22 Aug 2019 | Jose Valero
Dashboard Week #4
Today we had a special task! We had to create a viz using other software different than Tableau. My choice was Power BI, after giving a try to Flourish (and giving up after an hour). We were given Skiddle API to extract events data. I chose to extract events within 50 miles from my house
Wed 21 Aug 2019 | Jose Valero
Dashboard Week #3 - Kickstarter
The third day of our Dashboard week and our task today was to look at Kickstarter data and generate a KPI dashboard and a more analytical one, both of them with its own mobile version
Mon 19 Aug 2019 | Jose Valero
Dashboard Week #1 - ASOS Web scraping
First day of DS15 Dashboard week and the task was to web script the ASOS website, both for Women and Men and use the information extracted to create a viz. The data preparation has been the part which has taken the longest
Thu 08 Aug 2019 | Jose Valero
Create Points and Lines in Tableau
In my last blog posts, I explained how to create points, lines and calculate their distances using Alteryx. In this one, I also want to show how to create points and lines using Tableau
Tue 06 Aug 2019 | Jose Valero
How to create lines in Alteryx (and calculate their distances)
Using fundamental Spatial analysis in Alteryx fun an easy! In my previous blog post about Spatial in Alteryx [
Tue 23 Jul 2019 | Jose Valero
Comparing performance after a certain time period in Tableau
Some call them Rocket charts, although they’re not known by any name. It is a way to shows the progression of a variable from a base date time. It is commonly used in Finance, helping them to compare the progress of stocks since they got listed
Tue 09 Jul 2019 | Jose Valero
Distance between two points using Alteryx
Using fundamental Spatial analysis in Alteryx is pretty easy, thanks to some of the tools, which do all the work for us 😊. This time we are going to calculate the distance between two points on the Earth, a basic measure in the Spatial world, which might come handy sometimes
Tue 25 Jun 2019 | Jose Valero
Create a Control Chart
The control chart is a graph used to study how a process changes over time and determines if a manufacturing or business process is under control. I believe this is a beneficial tool for every company, so in this post, I will try to explain how to create one in Tableau
Tue 18 Jun 2019 | Jose Valero
Points on Bar (Timelines)
When showing trends over time, we usually use line charts to display a time series of data. I will explain how to create another approach using points, using some scatter plot for times series and enclosing the points for each time period
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