Jamie Bassett

Originally Jamie went to the University of Bath to study Sport Science with the goal of working in elite sport after. Yet when Jamie joined a Sport Nutrition consultancy company in Windsor analysing Sport Nutrition brands, Jamie realised this could be another potential career path. The Information Lab helped the company get started with using Tableau to analyse the data that Jamie had collected, which amazed him at what Tableau could do. The Data School later were involved with a client project, and with this Jamie knew what his career choice was going to be.

In his spare time, Jamie loves cycling around the Surrey hills, and cannot wait to challenge Luke and Tom in Table Tennis.

Blog Posts

Thu 21 Nov 2019 | Jamie Bassett
Reflections from the Data School
Our 4 months at DS have come to an end, so it is time to reflect on our time here. I wrote a blog on my expectations of the Data School, and I believe the Data School wasn’t far off my expectation
Thu 24 Oct 2019 | Jamie Bassett
Dashboard Week Day 4: The non-Tableau day
From seeing blogs from previous cohorts, I knew we should expect a non-Tableau day for Dashboard Week. I guess a positive of today was that the data was clean, thank you coaches! Which led us to focus quite quickly on the BI tool to use
Wed 23 Oct 2019 | Jamie Bassett
Dashboard Day 3: Rural demand of electricity in India
Day 3: Rural Electricity Demand in India An awful day for me. I spent a long time desperate trying to match the headers from the PDF with the raw data, which was not a success
Tue 22 Oct 2019 | Jamie Bassett
Dashboard Week Day 2: House of Commons rules
We were told to web scrape via Alteryx data about Parliament House Rules. There was a CSV available, but naturally Andy did not let us use this. The first step was the Download tool to download the HTML into Alteryx
Mon 21 Oct 2019 | Jamie Bassett
Dashboard Week Day 1: Design Census 2019
Our first day of Dashboard Week was Survey Data from the Design Consensus. We had to download an Excel file which contains 40 different questions from 9429 participants about their career in design. After exploring the data, I thought about creating a dashboard based off salary
Thu 26 Sep 2019 | Jamie Bassett
If only I learnt Alteryx before I joined...
The application for the Data School is a Tableau Public visualisation. For this reason, applicants will learn Tableau to apply for the job. However, the job title is actually a ‘Trainee Consulting Analyst’ using Tableau and Alteryx
Mon 23 Sep 2019 | Jamie Bassett
How I started to learn Tableau
The objective of my blogs is to write content of things I wish I knew at the very start of my Tableau journey. One thing I’d love to include in my blog is how I personally started to learn Tableau
Thu 08 Aug 2019 | Jamie Bassett
Why you should come to the next Meet & Greet
Last night was the latest Meet and Greet, to which all of us at DS16 went to. It is a chance for anyone to come to the Data School and see what the company is about
Wed 07 Aug 2019 | Jamie Bassett
"It's better to be done than perfect"
Naturally, alot of topics have been covered already, but what I also have picked up on are some individual quotes that I have found particularly interesting. Yesterday on day 2 Andy said “It’s better to be done than perfect” which I thought was a fantastic bit of advice
Tue 06 Aug 2019 | Jamie Bassett
Colour blindness and Tableau
Today on day 2 of the Data School we learnt (along with many other things) about colour. In this blog I want to talk about colour blindness (or the official term, colour vision deficiency). This topic I am sure has been posted before on the Data School blog
Tue 06 Aug 2019 | Jamie Bassett
My expectations for my time at the Data School
I will need to get used to blogging, which is something I have never done, one of the many things I will need to learn! I am part of the DS16 cohort, my name is Jamie and I have joined the Data School from university
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