Harry Cooney

Harry first came across data analysis in his Psychology degree. He quickly realised that this was actually the part of the course he was enjoying most. A weeks work experience in data analytics confirmed it was the industry that would be most enjoyable and fulfilling to him. To develop his skills in data analysis he completed an online data science course and discovered Tableau. The speed and creativity it allowed further cemented his desire to work with data. He immediately started collecting and visualizing data on topics that interest him, and listening to podcasts related to data analytics. It was through one of these podcasts that he heard about the Data School and knew it was ideal. He is looking forward to learning how to use Tableau and Alteryx to solve business problems.

Outside of data Harry enjoys travel, football (watching and playing) and socialising.

Blog Posts

Thu 31 Jan 2019 | Harry Cooney
Final Week In Data School Training - Reflective Blog
It’s the final week of training for Data School 11 with our first week of our six month placements starting next Monday. Unlike the training I’ve been provided in other jobs the past 4 months in DS have been comprehensive, extremely useful and enjoyable
Mon 28 Jan 2019 | Harry Cooney
The 5 Most Useful Things I've Learned in Tableau Since Joining the Data School
Before joining the Data School I knew very little about Tableau. There were some things I knew how to do but often didn’t understand why or how these things worked. Since joining the Data School I’ve learnt many new techniques and theory which helps me understand and use Tableau better
Mon 28 Jan 2019 | Harry Cooney
Set Actions Practice Tasks Answers
This blog provides the answers to the Tableau set action tasks found here [https://www.thedataschool.co.uk/harry-cooney/set-actions-practice-tasks/]. Proportional Highlighting * Create the two sheets, segment by sales and sub-category by sales
Mon 28 Jan 2019 | Harry Cooney
Set Actions Practice Tasks
Tableau’s set actions allow you to make your dashboard or worksheet interactive. By hovering, clicking and generally interacting with the elements on a sheet colours, sizes marks and may more things can be influenced on both the same and other charts
Sun 27 Jan 2019 | Harry Cooney
Tableau's Order of Operations
Order of Operations To understand how Tableau works it is useful to know the order in which it manipulates and filters data when producing your view. This process is called the order of operations
Wed 23 Jan 2019 | Harry Cooney
Tableau Dateparts vs Datevalues
Dates in Tableau will behave differently depending on whether they are a datepart (blue) or a datevalue (green). This affects how the axes display/behave and also how visualisations such as line charts will display
Sun 20 Jan 2019 | Harry Cooney
Dashboard Formatting With Containers in Tableau
Before joining the Data School dashboard formatting was a nightmare. I thought that the sizing and position of things relied on the eye alone and would spent ages resizing things and trying to make them align in an aesthetically pleasing way
Wed 02 Jan 2019 | Harry Cooney
Tableau MIN(Date) LOD's - Use Cases
Tableau LOD’s can be used to get the date of first purchase, first signed up, first order etc
Thu 27 Dec 2018 | Harry Cooney
Dashboard Week Finishing Touches
With some time free over Christmas I decided to look over my vizzes from Dashboard week with a fresher pair of eyes and fix some things that were annoying me
Thu 27 Dec 2018 | Harry Cooney
Dashboard Week Day 5: Boy Bands
For Dashboard week day 5 we were given a dataset on boy bands. The data contained the highest charting single, dated when it charted highest, for every boy band. It also contained information about every boy band member such as height, hair style and hair colour
Thu 20 Dec 2018 | Harry Cooney
Dashboard Week Day 4: Seattle Bike Count Summary
For day 4 of Dashboard week we had to analyse data from Seattle bike counters at various routes through the city. I produced a summary report kind of dashboard which looked into the difference in bike usage between weekdays and the weekend
Wed 19 Dec 2018 | Harry Cooney
Dashboard Week Day 3: Foreign Gifts to American Universities with Power BI
For day 3 of Dashboard week we were given the task of using Power BI to analyse financial gifts to American Educational Institutions from foreign sources. Using Power BI was an enjoyable challenge and was useful in illuminating its similarities and differences to Tableau
Tue 18 Dec 2018 | Harry Cooney
Dashboard Week Day 2: New Orleans Police Body-Cam Usage
For our second day of Dashboard week we were given the task of visualising the New Orleans police body-cam data set. There was minimal data prep required but the data itself was limited. It only contained when, where and for how long each recording took place (and the size of the file recorded)
Mon 17 Dec 2018 | Harry Cooney
Dashboard Week Day 1: NYC Ploughing
For our first day of Dashboard Week we were given the task of visualising ploughing in New York during snow storms. The original article from which the task was based (found here [http://iquantny.tumblr
Wed 05 Dec 2018 | Harry Cooney
Automating my Former Job Using Alteryx
Background Before joining the Data School, I worked as a Pricing and Revenue Analyst for a car rental company. The job title was fancy, and the advert intriguing
Wed 28 Nov 2018 | Harry Cooney
Uploading and Updating to Alteryx Server
To upload a workflow to Alteryx server first connect to the server through Options > Manage Server Credentials and then completing the login to the server using the correct URL
Thu 08 Nov 2018 | Harry Cooney
What Are Data Joins?
For a long time I didn’t understand how joins work, and had to wing it when combining data sets. That time is no more and I am writing this blog to share my new knowledge and confirm to myself that I actually do understand data joins
Thu 01 Nov 2018 | Harry Cooney
Using Tableau Prep to Clean Personality Test Data
This week at the Data School we learned how to use Tableau Prep to prepare data. After training with the tool in the morning we were given the afternoon to find a data set and use Tableau Prep to clean it before visualising it in Tableau
Tue 23 Oct 2018 | Harry Cooney
Tableau: How to Swap Sheets in a Dashboard
To swap sheets in a dashboard parameters must be used. First make the sheets that need to be swapped, I’ve made a scatter plot and a map. Then create a parameter, I’ve named mine “View Map or Scatter.” The data type should be a string and the allowable values should be set to list
Tue 16 Oct 2018 | Harry Cooney
How To Make A Calendar In Tableau
During Head Coach Andy Kriebel’s Tableau Zen Master Tips & Tricks – Chart Edition webinar he showed it was possible to make a calendar in Tableau. Today he showed is how to do it again and I will explain how/give some example uses here
Mon 15 Oct 2018 | Harry Cooney
Alteryx: Name Standardisation, Removal of Irremovable Trailing Whitespaces and Calculation of Z-Scores.
For the final day of our first week at the Data School we had to improve our application visualisations and be ready to present by 3 O’clock. Having spent the first week learning the basics of Alteryx our main task was to find an additional (messy) dataset to join with our original
Thu 11 Oct 2018 | Harry Cooney
Splitting Alternating Rows into Separate Columns in Alteryx
Us data school 11 students were given the task of sorting out messy excel based datasets in our first attempt at using Alteryx
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