Harry Beardon

Harry joined the Data School after graduating from university with a BA Hons in History. He quickly fell in love with Tableau for its ability to tell compelling stories through data and spread awareness on contentious issues – garnering a VoTD and having his work shared in the gallery at Tableau Live Europe prior to joining.

During his time at the Data School, Harry has worked on several finance and public-health projects, including creating short, engaging visualisations in Tableau to be shared on websites and social media, alongside more technically-focused projects such as developing automated ETL pipelines using Alteryx and Alteryx Server.

Harry has become a well-rounded user of Tableau & Alteryx during these projects, particularly specialising in:

- Advanced spatial transformations in Alteryx

- Building data pipelines in Alteryx using APIs to automate reporting.

- Parsing XML with Regex

- Exceptional public-facing data visualisation and design skills, with work being used for decision-making by members of the London Mayor’s Office and UK Parliament.

Outside of work, Harry enjoys watching Premier League football and has picked up a new hobby since the pandemic- cycling.

Blog Posts

Fri 04 Jun 2021 | Harry Beardon
Preppin' Data in Snowflake: Week 2, 2021
This blog aims as a walkthrough of how to complete the Preppin' Data Week 2, 2021 [https://preppindata.blogspot.com/2021/01/2021-week-1.html] challenge using SQL queries in Snowflake
Fri 04 Jun 2021 | Harry Beardon
Preppin' Data in Snowflake: Week 1, 2021
This blog aims as a walkthrough of how to complete the Preppin' Data Week 1, 2021 [https://preppindata.blogspot.com/2021/01/2021-week-1.html] challenge using SQL queries in Snowflake. Here is the input: We need to: 1. Extract the year quarter from the Date field 2
Wed 02 Jun 2021 | Harry Beardon
Mapping in Tableau - User Adjustable Hexbins
Today I will show you how to create a user adjustable hexbin when mapping in Tableau. Essentially it will group points on your map within a specified radius
Tue 27 Apr 2021 | Harry Beardon
Dynamically Colouring Negative/Positive BANs
You've created your Big Numbers for a dashboard, but you want the client to easily identify whether the category is meeting its target. We could set the colours manually to indicate this, but this isn't a very good long-term solution as if you are working with live data numbers change all the time
Mon 26 Apr 2021 | Harry Beardon
Why Would You Want To?: The Circular Sankey Diagram
Sankey Diagrams are often demonized. Validly so most of the time- they're difficult to understand and often take too much time to create in terms of what you want to demonstrate. I've just received news that a Viz of mine [https://public.tableau.com/profile/harry
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