Hafeez Sanusi

After 4 years studying BSc Information Management and Business Studies at Loughborough University, Hafeez then dedicated 1.5 years to playing football Semi-Professionally. Not satisfied with solely playing football and with the growing importance of sports analytics; Hafeez decided to pursue a career within data and fortunately came across The Data School. Following 2 months consisting of numerous hours spent on Tableau, Hafeez immediately realised his passion for data analysis; prompting him to submit an application for the DS14 cohort.

Blog Posts

Fri 21 Jun 2019 | Hafeez Sanusi
Dashboard Week - Day 5
The task for the final day of Dashboard week did not require any Data Prep and was based on the History of Powerlifting [https://www.kaggle.com/open-powerlifting/powerlifting-database/]. We had to complete the task by 1pm and present our dashboards from yesterday and today to DS15
Thu 20 Jun 2019 | Hafeez Sanusi
Dashboard Week - Day 4
For Day 4 of Dashboard Week we were tasked with looking at Candy Survey data [https://www.scq.ubc.ca/so-much-candy-data-seriously/] between 2014-2017. Andy stated that we could only use Tableau Prep Builder to clean our data and Tableau Server’s Web Authoring function to build our visualisations
Wed 19 Jun 2019 | Hafeez Sanusi
Dashboard Week - Day 3
Task Today we had to create a visualisation based on data about our Solar System within Power BI. This task required the use of an API to access the data
Tue 18 Jun 2019 | Hafeez Sanusi
Dashboard Week Day 2
Today really emphasised the ‘Urban Legends’ that are spoken about frequently in regards to Dashboard week. We were tasked with using data from Historic UK [https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMagazine/DestinationsUK/BattlefieldSites/] which had information based on Battles within the UK
Mon 17 Jun 2019 | Hafeez Sanusi
Dashboard Week Day 1
Today was the start of Dashboard week and our task was to create a visualisation based on reported UFO sightings. We had to web-scrape the data from http://www.nuforc.org/webreports.html and I used Alteryx to do this
Tue 14 May 2019 | Hafeez Sanusi
Tableau Quick Tip - Displaying specific mark labels on a map
Today we were going through Tableau Advanced which featured various Level of Detail Expressions (LOD’s) and Table Calculations. Whilst attempting various tasks set by Andy; he demonstrated a quick trick that can be used to permanently display specific labels on different areas of a map
Tue 07 May 2019 | Hafeez Sanusi
Overthinking/Imposter syndrome - experience and tips from myself and other Information Lab (TIL) members
Lately, I had been overthinking things at The Data School (DS), constantly questioning my capabilities and really started to suffer from imposter syndrome
Sun 28 Apr 2019 | Hafeez Sanusi
By Failing to Prepare, You are Preparing to Fail
Day 10 was project day and my key takeaway from the task was if you want to deliver an effective and presentable dashboard within a limited time-frame; then it is essential you plan! The Task In the morning we were all provided a data set which we had to access via a database called Exasol
Mon 22 Apr 2019 | Hafeez Sanusi
Introduction to Tableau Server
Server Structure Last week we were learning about the purpose and functions of Tableau Server with Ravi [https://twitter.com/Scribblr_42?s=17] who was a member of DS1
Tue 09 Apr 2019 | Hafeez Sanusi
My thoughts about The Data School
I’m new to the world of blogging and social media, however, there’s always a first for everything! This post will begin with my initial thoughts prior to starting my first day at The Data School and then will be capped off with my thoughts after my first week within the office
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