Finn Kappus

Meet Finn—an accomplished Data Analyst with a unique blend of skills drawn from psychology, academic research, and sports analytics. Proficient in Tableau, Alteryx, and PowerBI, Finn demonstrates a keen ability to translate raw data into visually compelling and actionable visualizations. While Finn possesses a basic understanding of SQL and Python, he is eager to further expand their programming skills to enhance their analytical capabilities. What truly sets Finn apart is his passion for transforming messy data into insightful visualizations and his social and adaptable nature to seamlessly integrate with diverse teams.


Data Visualization: Tableau Desktop, PowerBI

Data Preparation: Alteryx, SQL, Tableau Prep

Programming: R, Python

Statistical Analysis: Jasp, Jamovi, SPSS

Key Competencies

  • Adaptability
  • Ambition & Willingness to learn
  • Attention to detail
  • Effective & proactive communication
  • Organization & Working independently


University of East London
  • Developed and delivered a hands-on Tableau guest lecture for MSc Sports Analytics students and advocated for best practices in dashboard building and design, specifically in the context of analysing sports data.
Logistics Company
  • Generated insightful findings in Alteryx to help with the container-route optimization at one of the leading logistics company worldwide.
Supplier for Beauty Product
  • I meticulously processed the accessible dataset, extracted pertinent information, and subsequently crafted a comprehensive dashboard within Tableau Desktop. This dashboard encompasses critical metrics such as sales, profits, and various other margins as per the specifications outlined by the client.

Experience before Data School

  • Tonsser: Football Analyst Internship (5 Months)
  • University of Groningen: Research Assistant (10 Months)
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology (University of Groningen)
  • Master of Science in Sports Analytics (University of East London)


When Finn is not behind the computer, he is either doing sports, such as Basketball, Tennis or Football, or he’s reading a book on his balcony. He is also spending a significant amount of time listening to the news, learning Dutch, and cooking vegan food.

My Life in Books

RWFD - Solar Energy Dashboard

ATP Tennis - Comparing the Players of the Future


Blog Posts

Fri 01 Mar 2024 | Finn Kappus
Dasboard Week Day 5: Personal Project - My Life in Books
Mit dem fünften und somit letzten Tag der Dashboard Woche schließen wir, DSDE 6, unsere Trainingsphase ab. Als kleine Belohnung haben wir den Tag Zeit bekommen unsere bereits gestarteten Personal Projects weiter zu machen
Wed 28 Feb 2024 | Finn Kappus
Dashboard Week Day 3: Weather Data
On day three of the dashboard week, I got weather data from an API with Alteryx. These data included different measures from selected cities. I compared European capitals to see which one is the best in each measure
Tue 27 Feb 2024 | Finn Kappus
Dashboard Week Day 2: World Happiness Report - Who is the happiest in Europe?
Am zweiten Tag der Dashboard Woche haben wir die Daten des World Happiness Reports bekommen. Ich habe mich dazu entschieden den Fokus auf Europa zu legen und zu schauen, wo die Menschen hier am glücklichsten sind
Tue 27 Feb 2024 | Finn Kappus
Dashboard Week Day 1: RWFD - Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in Higher Education
Am ersten Tag der Dashboard Woche haben wir Daten von RWFD bekommen. Hier hatten wir die Wahl aus verschiedenen Datensätzen auszusuchen. Ich habe den Datensatz “Higher Education” gewählt. Hier habe ich die geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede in der U.S.A. untersucht
Tue 20 Feb 2024 | Finn Kappus
Gewichteter Durchschnitt
Die meisten von uns wissen, was ein Durchschnitt ist. Man addiert einfach alle Werte und teilt sie durch die Anzahl der Werte. Das ist ziemlich einfach, bis es kompliziert wird. € Nehmen wir das folgende Beispiel: Peter möchte für ihn und seine Freunde Früchte kaufen
Tue 13 Feb 2024 | Finn Kappus
Notion Tipps & Tricks
Notion ist ein Space in dem denken, schreiben und planen gleichzeitig möglich ist. Mit Notion lassen sich Urlaube organisieren, Projekte verwalten oder ganze Unternehmen leiten. Um Notion noch effektiver zu benutzen helfen einige Tastaturkurzbefehle, die bereits in Notion integriert sind
Wed 31 Jan 2024 | Finn Kappus
Individuelle Farbpalette in Tableau
In Tableau Desktop gibt es bereits einige vorab installierte Farbpaletten, die für Nutzer:innen frei verfügbar sind. Dennoch kann es durchaus vorkommen, dass individuelle Farbpaletten erwünscht sind, wenn beispielsweise das Farbschema eines Kunden übernommen werden soll
Fri 26 Jan 2024 | Finn Kappus
Operatoren in SQL
Wenn Sie neu in SQL sind und zuvor andere Programmiersprachen wie Python oder Tools wie Tableau verwendet haben, werden Sie einige kleine Unterschiede bemerkt haben. Um in Zukunft Verwirrung zu vermeiden, finden Sie hier einen Überblick über die Operatoren in SQL
Fri 26 Jan 2024 | Finn Kappus
Set Actions to Highlight Values in Table
Especially in exploratory Dashboard, including tables can be useful. However, in some cases, the table on the dashboard only shows a sample of the data. Here, you can use a scroll to find the relevant data
Tue 16 Jan 2024 | Finn Kappus
Fake Highlights in Tableau
Tableau has the built-in feature that when you select a data point in a graph it becomes highlighted and other data points are blurred out (see example). However, there is a way to avoid this highlight by adding a fake highlight
Mon 15 Jan 2024 | Finn Kappus
A Simple Way of “Web Scraping” with ChatGPT
If you are equally unfamiliar with web scraping using tools such as Python or Alteryx, there is a way around it. With some clever commands, ChatGPT can be very useful to “scrape” data from the internet. Let’s have a look at an example
Fri 05 Jan 2024 | Finn Kappus
All you need to know about Alteryx
History In 1997, the predecessor to Alteryx, SRC LLC, was founded and only 13 years later changed its name to their main product Alteryx. Over the years, the California-based company grew consistently and is employing 2,900 people while creating a revenue of 855 million US$
Fri 29 Dec 2023 | Finn Kappus
Personal Project I: Winning my NBA Fantasy League with Tableau
In the last week of 2023, we got some time to practice our skills and work on personal projects. Consequently, I decided to build Tableau Dashboards with the data of my NBA Fantasy League
Fri 29 Dec 2023 | Finn Kappus
Produktivität im Home-Office
Elon Musk und andere Traditionalisten befürworten nach wie vor die persönliche Arbeit und fordern eine ständige physische Anwesenheit im Büro in dem Glauben, dass dies zu einem stärkeren Zusammenhalt des Teams beiträgt und die allgemeine Produktivität steigert
Fri 29 Dec 2023 | Finn Kappus
The Order of Operations
The Order of Operation also referred to as query pipeline, is a fundamental concept in Tableau. It dictates the order in which Tableau processes data. This includes the order in which, filters, calculated fields, and other Tableau features are executed (see Picture below)
Tue 05 Dec 2023 | Finn Kappus
Präsentieren mit Zoomit
Die Zeit der hölzernen Zeigestöcke liegt schon weit in der Vergangenheit. Trotzdem besteht durch die hohe Anzahl an Online-Präsentationen der Bedarf für einen virtuellen Zeigestock im heutigen Zeitalter
Tue 05 Dec 2023 | Finn Kappus
Minimum Viable Products
With my perfectionist tendencies, I often struggle to create a presentable outcome for my project within a given time frame. Yet, to keep a customer happy, it is of great importance to deliver a satisfactory outcome, even though it is not necessarily the ideal end result
Wed 29 Nov 2023 | Finn Kappus
Planning your Data Project
It is tempting to dive head first into data right after receiving it, building graphs and dashboards, and focusing your time more on the hands-on activities rather than planning and structuring these. However, this behaviour is not ideal
Tue 21 Nov 2023 | Finn Kappus
Tableau Dashboards für ein besseres Leben
Nach der dieswöchigen Einführung in Tableau Desktop und dem Erstellen unseres ersten Dashboards entdecken wir langsam aber sicher die scheinbar endlosen Möglichkeiten, die uns diese neue Welt eröffnet
Fri 10 Nov 2023 | Finn Kappus
Data Types in Tableau and Alteryx
After a warm welcome to the Data School Hamburg, we hit the ground running in our first week of work. Before diving into Tableau Prep later in Week 1 and Tableau Desktop in Week 2, we focused on laying the theoretical groundwork for future endeavours
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