Emily Dowling

Emily Dowling

After graduating with a BA in Ancient History, Emily made the natural(!) transition into Business Consultancy, working with a number of Acute and Mental Health NHS Trusts delivering lean transformation programmes. This is where her interest in data analysis to understand organisational performance and capability developed. After a number of years battling with Excel attempting to communicate creative, interesting yet simple data stories Emily discovered Tableau and hasn’t looked back since.

In her spare time, Emily enjoys baking and cooking, playing tennis, and reading, and uses any opportunity and excuse to visit new countries around the world.

Blog Posts

Fri 02 Sep 2016 | Emily Dowling
How to Calculate a Linear Regression Line in Tableau
What is Linear Regression? Linear regression is a way of demonstrating a relationship between a dependent variable (y) and one or more explanatory variables (x). For example, on a scatterplot, linear regression finds the best fitting straight line through the data points
Mon 08 Aug 2016 | Emily Dowling
Quick Table Calcs: How to Calculate Percent of Total in Tableau
The quick table calculations in Tableau are really handy for doing fast analysis without having to do all the maths yourself. Percent of Total is one of the quick table calculations and enables you to find the percent distribution of a measure, broken down by a dimension
Fri 05 Aug 2016 | Emily Dowling
How to calculate a correlation coefficient in Tableau
What is a correlation coefficient? A correlation coefficient is a value that quantifies the relationship of two or more variables. In linear correlation the coefficient quantifies the strength and direction of the correlation between the variables
Tue 02 Aug 2016 | Emily Dowling
How to calculate Z-Scores in Tableau
What is a Z-Score? In statistics, the z-score is the relationship of a data point to the mean of a group of data points. Z-Scores are measured by the number of standard deviations from the mean
Thu 07 Jul 2016 | Emily Dowling
Cleaning up Date Data in Alteryx
One of the most common tasks I’ve found so far (with my limited use of Alteryx) is cleaning up Date data. The majority of times Date data comes into Alteryx as a String and in many different formats, depending on the personal preference of the person who has created the original file
Wed 06 Jul 2016 | Emily Dowling
Using a Multi-Row Formula in Alteryx
This week at Data School we are continuing our Alteryx training, and as part of this we have been working through Alteryx’s Weekly Challenges (you can find them here [http://community.alteryx.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?q=weekly])
Wed 06 Jul 2016 | Emily Dowling
Alteryx Quick Tip – Browse Shortcut
Everyone loves a keyboard shortcut, so here’s a handy Alteryx one. If you want to check what your data looks like along your workflow, click on any tool, or select a number of tools… … and press Ctrl + Shift + B and a Browse tool will be added to the output(s) of each tool
Mon 04 Jul 2016 | Emily Dowling
Wireless Connections in Alteryx
Sometimes with Alteryx Workflows you end up with a lot of tools and a lot of connections criss-crossing across the canvas which can look chaotic and confusing
Tue 21 Jun 2016 | Emily Dowling
Tableau Tip Tuesday - Using URL Actions in Dashboards
If you are using a URL action to display a webpage within your dashboard, a really good trick is to add an ‘m’ into your URL link. This means that the page will be displayed in a mobile view and will look much cleaner on your dashboard.
Tue 14 Jun 2016 | Emily Dowling
Tableau Tip Tuesday - Using Transparency in Scatterplots
Sometimes when you create a scatterplot with a large number of data points, it becomes hard to differentiate between individual points as they begin to merge together. A useful tip is to increase the transparency of the colour of the data points so that they can be distinguished more easily
Mon 13 Jun 2016 | Emily Dowling
Makeover Monday live at Tableau Conference
Tableau Conference is on tour this week in London and Andy Kriebel & Andy Cotgreave hosted #MakeoverMonday live and streamed it via Periscope. So, back at the Dataschool office we joined in the challenge – to create a viz in under an hour
Wed 08 Jun 2016 | Emily Dowling
Using Custom Shapes to Filter in Tableau
Using icons or pictures as filters or to navigate in Tableau can be a really easy way of making dashboards more visual and easy to use. And it’s very simple to do. Step 1: Select the Field to use as a Filter In my example I was using a dataset on Animal Rescues by the London Fire Brigade
Wed 08 Jun 2016 | Emily Dowling
Using Calculated Fields to Categorise your Data
For our client project last week, we had a dataset which included the turnover and employment size for a large number of individual companies
Tue 07 Jun 2016 | Emily Dowling
Learning to use Alteryx
Week 3 at Data School we were thrown head first into the world of Alteryx. It was probably the toughest week so far for me, just trying to get my head around: 1. The vast extent of what Alteryx can do, and 2. Understanding how to just create the simplest workflow
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