Eliott Sacau

Eliott Sacau

As a Geographic Information Science student, Eliott has long appreciated the complexities of analysis: geography is not only about understanding the temporal and spatial scales at which processes occur, but also about deciphering and mapping the flows of information. This appreciation of analytics and visualisations, as well as his frustrations with the current methods of processing Geographical data lead him to discover Tableau and the Data School.

As the quantity and velocity of data surges, there is an increasing need for effective tools and representations to make sense of this boundless flow of information, as hidden within its depths can be an industry-changing piece of information. He believes that his Data School training will provide him unparalleled coaching in some of those market-leading tools.

Outside of data analytics, Eliott enjoys football (long time Arsenal fan), attempts (rather poorly) to both cook and bake, and more importantly, plans his next travels.

Blog Posts

Tue 19 Dec 2017 | Eliott Sacau
Dashboard week day 5: Star Wars survey data, or “May the force to pull through day 5 be with you”
Star Wars Survey data The final instalment of the dashboard week saga was an interesting survey conducted by Morning Consult
Tue 19 Dec 2017 | Eliott Sacau
Dashboard week day 4: Cheeses, cheeses everywhere...
Dashboard week day four. No dataset as per say today, simply an instruction. Find some data about cheeses, and create a visualisation. Andy handed us the details of an API we could query to obtain the data about all the cheeses. First problem we encountered was simple: the API did not work
Tue 05 Dec 2017 | Eliott Sacau
Strong-Arming Tableau: Rounding Operations
Forcing Tableau to round up or down at specific decimal places Tableau has three interesting functions, ROUND() and FLOOR() and CEILING()
Wed 08 Nov 2017 | Eliott Sacau
Reflections on the DS first project week.
Here are my three main reflections about the DS first project week. * Don’t be afraid to speak up Communication, or lack thereof, often plays a large role in the success or failure of any given project. It is important to try and communicate your thoughts
Fri 20 Oct 2017 | Eliott Sacau
My favourite tools in Alteryx and some best practice advice
Tip 5: Data cleaning with Alteryx and best practice. Here are two of my favourite tools that I have come across in Alteryx to clean data and some best (good?) practice advice Text to Column This tool is very hand as it helps you break apart some fields such as dates or number ranges
Thu 19 Oct 2017 | Eliott Sacau
Tip 4: Supplementary options for Mapping in Tableau
Tip 4: Supplementary options for Mapping in Tableau Short tip today
Wed 18 Oct 2017 | Eliott Sacau
Clarifying Calculations
Tip 3: Understanding what goes into your calculations. Tableau can quickly become confusing if you start using calculated fields, and even more so when using those same calculated fields as variables into other calculated fields
Tue 17 Oct 2017 | Eliott Sacau
Tip 2: Creating a dynamic map display / axis change using parameters:
Creating a dynamic map display / axis change using parameters: I’m going to describe how to do it for 2 variables, but we can scale this to any number of variables which we would like to display on the Map
Tue 17 Oct 2017 | Eliott Sacau
(User defined) Parameters change the tableau game! Top N Filter tip.
Going into week two, the Data School focused on teaching us about Parameters. This neat function of Tableau allows us to add user defined measures (parameters) to equations and filters
Thu 05 Oct 2017 | Eliott Sacau
The Data School, a refreshing and original application process
When I first came across the application process, I had expected an equivalent process to most companies that I had applied for to this date: a formal CV, a cover letter and of course, a barrage of psychometric tests to prove my ‘aptitude’ to the company
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