Edward Gay

Ed graduated from the University of Surrey with a BSc in Economics and found he really enjoyed the data analysis and presentation aspects of his degree.

After attending one of The Data School’s meet and greets Ed was inspired by the team he met there and the opportunity to begin a career in the world of data. Ed enjoyed teaching himself Tableau and creating visualisations for the unique application process and looks forward to expanding on these skills at The Data School.

Outside of work Ed is a keen F1 fan; enjoys spending time with friends, playing Topgolf and gaming.


Blog Posts

Fri 27 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
Which data model should you use in Tableau?
Tableau has a few different options when it comes to choosing your data model. In this blog I’m going to discuss the different data model options within Tableau and give you a few pointers as to when these options are most appropriate.
Thu 26 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
How to add GIFs to Tableau Dashboards
Generally, you should only add images to dashboards if it actually adds something to your story or insights, but on day 3 of dashboard week I couldn’t resist breaking that rule. Here’s a quick guide on how to add GIFs to Tableau dashboards.
Thu 26 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
Dashboard Week Day 4: Tableau Server
It's day 4 of dashboard week and today we were tasked with preparing data and building a dashboard all within Tableau Server. Today we were working on candy survey data. This consists of four years of data coming from The Science Quarterly Review.
Wed 25 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
Dashboard Week Day 3: API's
It's day 3 of dashboard week and today we were tasked with extracting data from the Rick and Morty API.
Wed 25 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
How to add custom colour palettes to Tableau
Tableau Desktop comes with many different colour palettes to choose from, but what if you could make your own? Here’s a quick guide on how to do just that. Step 1: Choose your colour palette Tableau defines 3 different palette types; regular, ordered-sequential and ordered-diverging
Tue 24 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
Dashboard Week Day 2: PowerBI
It's day 2 of dashboard week and today we were tasked with making a dashboard using PowerBI. Since we have only used PowerBI once a few weeks ago this was definitely challenging
Tue 24 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
How to lateral flatten in SQL
A guide on how to lateral flatten a JSON file using SQL.
Mon 23 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
How to prepare for the Tableau Certified Data Analyst Exam
After nearly 4 months of training at the data school, my cohort and I were tasked with taking the Tableau Certified Data Analyst Exam. Fortunately, those of us in DS35 that were able to take the exam that day all passed. With that said, here’s my guide on how to prepare for it
Mon 23 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
Dashboard Week Day 1: Accessibility
Dashboard week is here and today we were looking at making dashboards to meet certain accessibility requirements.
Mon 23 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
My Experience as Project Manager
During our 4 month training period at the data school we will work on 8 different client projects, giving each member of the cohort an opportunity to work as a project manager for a week. In this blog I will discuss some of the details of the project and my experience managing it
Wed 11 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
How to make changes in Tableau Server using tabcmd
A brief guide on making changes in Tableau Server using tabcmd.
Tue 10 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
How to create sheet swapping buttons using Dynamic Zone Visibility in Tableau
A couple of months ago I wrote a blog on how to create a chart selector using Dynamic Zone Visibility in Tableau. In this blog I will show you how you can do this with custom buttons.
Fri 06 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
How to extract data sources from Tableau Public
If you've ever opened a Tableau Workbook from Tableau Public and tried to look at the data source then you may have noticed that there's no way for you to get your hands on this data within Tableau. In this guide I will show you how to do just that.
Fri 06 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
Introduction to SQL
Many occupations rely on SQL for data retrieval and management. Since SQL is robust and easy to learn, some job portals consider it the most in-demand skill an employee can have. Here is a quick introduction to SQL.
Thu 05 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
Tableau vs Power BI vs CRM Analytics: What’s the difference?
This week we have been trying out a couple of different Tableau alternatives: Power BI and CRMA. After having spent a day on each of them, testing out both of their data prep and dashboard creation capabilities I couldn’t help but compare them to Tableau
Thu 05 Jan 2023 | Edward Gay
How to build a drill down bar chart in Tableau
A drill down allows you to navigate data from a comprehensive view to a more detailed one. Here is a guide on how to make a drill down bar chart using set actions Tableau.
Fri 23 Dec 2022 | Edward Gay
How to build a dynamic control chart in Tableau
The control chart is used to study how a process changes over time and allows us to identify any significant outliers in our data. Here is a guide on how to build a dynamic control chart in Tableau.
Tue 20 Dec 2022 | Edward Gay
How to make a Reset Filters button in Tableau
Sometimes in dashboards you may end up having too many filters on and a reset button can be useful to revert your dashboard back to it's original state. Here's a guide on how to create a reset filters button in Tableau.
Sat 03 Dec 2022 | Edward Gay
How to add custom shape files to Tableau
Shapes can be a powerful tool when telling a story with your visualisations, here's a quick guide on how to add custom shape files to Tableau.
Sat 03 Dec 2022 | Edward Gay
How to create Hexbins for Mapping in Tableau
Hexbins are a great way to visualise incredibly dense data without creating too many marks in the view. Here's a guide on how to create and map them in Tableau.
Wed 16 Nov 2022 | Edward Gay
How to create a chart selector using Dynamic Zone Visibility in Tableau
Here's a guide on how to create a chart selector using Dynamic Zone Visibility, new to Tableau 2022.3.
Fri 04 Nov 2022 | Edward Gay
How to make a Quadrant Chart in Tableau
A quadrant chart is a common tool used for decision making in business settings. Here’s a quick guide on how to make a quadrant chart scatterplot in Tableau.
Tue 01 Nov 2022 | Edward Gay
How to create a Chart Selector using Parameters
Fitting all your sheets into a dashboard can be difficult. Sometimes you may want to give your user a choice between charts. Here's a guide on setting up a parameter to do just that.
Tue 25 Oct 2022 | Edward Gay
Using Parameters to make a Dynamic Calendar Heatmap
Parameters in Tableau have many useful applications. Here's a guide on how to make a dynamic calendar heatmap using parameters.
Wed 19 Oct 2022 | Edward Gay
Pivoting in Alteryx
Alteryx has two pivoting tools: transpose and cross tab. Here is a quick guide on how to use them.
Tue 18 Oct 2022 | Edward Gay
An Alteryx Challenge Walkthrough
In preparation for our Alteryx designer core test on Friday, DS35 have been working through Alteryx challenges. Here is a walkthrough of one of those challenges.
Thu 13 Oct 2022 | Edward Gay
Application v2.0
Here are a couple things I learnt that I wish I knew about Tableau before applying to The Data School.
Tue 04 Oct 2022 | Edward Gay
How to filter duplicates in Alteryx
A quick guide on filtering duplicates in your data.
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