Brian developed an affinity for data analytics and visualisation while studying cognitive neuroscience. During his PhD, he analysed brain activity from older adults and individuals with dementia. While searching for opportunities that would afford him more data and a wider variety of projects, he found The Data School, applied, and hasn’t looked back. He is excited to get stuck into the world of visualisation and consulting.
Brian Scally
Blog Posts
Tue 26 Feb 2019 | Brian Scally
Dashboard Week Day 2 – London Marathon Runners
This morning, Andy directed us to, and
told us to scrape every London Marathon result from 1981-2018, for information
about individuals that shared the first two letters of our surnames. Weird
enough task
Mon 25 Feb 2019 | Brian Scally
Dashboard Week Day 1 - Star Wars
For Dashboard Week day 1, Andy asked us to use the Star Wars API to download
data. The API allows you to obtain data about various aspects of the Star Wars
universe, such as characters, vehicles, planets and species. I went with
characters. Here’s what I came up
Mon 25 Feb 2019 | Brian Scally
Tableau Tip: Formatting the Axis Correctly on a Population Pyramid
So you’ve just made your first population pyramid in Tableau. Here’s one I
quickly put together, showing the distribution of males and females in Japan
across a range of age bins:
But look, the x-axis is all wrong – it extends to around 7,000,000 for females,
but only to 5,000,000 for males
Sat 16 Feb 2019 | Brian Scally
Clustering continuous and categorical data in Alteryx
For this weeks client project at The Data School, one of my objectives was to
group the clients customers based on the types of services that they were
purchasing from the client. This is also known as customer segmentation
Sun 03 Feb 2019 | Brian Scally
Publishing to Tableau Server with tabcmd
Last week I got acquainted with tabcmd
[], the Tableau
Server command line utility. With tabcmd, you can automate various Tableau
Server processes from your local machine
Tue 29 Jan 2019 | Brian Scally
How to make a correlation matrix in Tableau
A correlation matrix is handy for summarising and visualising the strength of
relationships between continuous variables. Essentially, a correlation matrix is
a grid of values that quantify the association between every possible pair of
variables that you want to investigate
Sun 06 Jan 2019 | Brian Scally
Chaining apps in Alteryx
I hit a wall in my previous post
when trying to dynamically update a drop down interface tool with the field
names of a given input dataset
Mon 10 Dec 2018 | Brian Scally
Plotting data to image pixels in Tableau: Data prep with R
I recently came across this viz
by Filippo Mastroianni [] of the late
Stan Lee’s Marvel universe of superheroes and villains