Amanda Patist

Amanda Patist

Amanda’s data journey started in biological research at the University of Manchester and later in her Research Associate position at King’s College. An inquisitive mind has always lead her to ask questions but has been frustrated with the science of overcomplicating results. Having discovered Tableau, she is looking forward to learning the art of how to present the complex, in a clear, simple, beautiful and most importantly, understandable way and being able to apply this to any situation and kind of data.

Outside of data, Amanda enjoys discovering all the culinary delights that London has to offer and trying in vain to recreate them.

Blog Posts

Thu 01 Sep 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for non-noobs: Improving the Hierarchy PART TWO: The Double Drill Javascript API
Tue 23 Aug 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for non-noobs: Improving the Hierarchy - Using JavaScript API to feed a click action into a parameter control
Data Visualisation for Non-Noobs: Improving the Hierarchy – Using  JavaScript API to feed a click action into a parameter control This blog is based on a project we did with BCG, where we were asked to improve the hierarchy function in Tableau
Mon 08 Aug 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for (not quite) Noobs!: Nested Sorting Using the Rank Table Calculation
Data Visualisation for (not quite) Noobs!: Nested Sorting Using the Rank Table Calculation (with top 5) I keep stumbling across situations (for example during the Tableau Qualification!) where I need to make a nested sort and I simply cannot remember how to do it
Fri 05 Aug 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for Noobs (Like Me)! Mapping To and From Points - Part 2: Dual Axis Mapping in Tableau
Data Visualisation for Noobs (Like Me)! Mapping To and From Points – Part 2 Creating To and From Points: Dual Axis Mapping in Tableau I’ve been meaning to write this blog on dual axis mapping for a while now, but didn’t have quite the right data set to exemplify the situation
Fri 05 Aug 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for Noobs (Like Me)! Mapping To and From Points - Part 1: Cartesian Joins in Alteryx
Data Visualisation for Noobs (Like Me)! Mapping To and From Points – Part 1 Creating To and From Points: Cartesian Joins in Alteryx I’ve been meaning to write a blog about dual axis mapping for a while now. I’ve finally found a data set that is fun to work with
Thu 21 Jul 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me)- Diverging Bar Charts
Data Visualisation for Noobs (Like Me)!– A Tableau based blog series How to make a Diverging Bar Chart Viz Link: [https://public.tableau
Fri 08 Jul 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) - Tidying up your Alteryx Workflow to Optimise Viewing
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) Alteryx – Tidying up your Workflow to Optimise Viewing Alteryx workflows can be overwhelming. Here are three tips on how to clear up your workspace and to de-clutter when doing demos or just for your peace of mind! 1
Thu 07 Jul 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) - UK City Polygon Mapping in Alteryx
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) Alteryx – UK City Polygon Mapping This week I’m really excited to be working on a side project with Pint of Science, for which I wanted to build a map that shows the outlines of each of the cities that have taken part in the Pint of Science Festival 2016
Wed 06 Jul 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) - Optimising your Alteryx Workflow Settings
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) Alteryx – How to Customise your Workflow for your Viewing Pleasure Doing any work is always more pleasant when you can optimise your canvas to what works for you. Clarity and cleanliness in my Alteryx workflow helps me make sense of what I’m working on
Tue 05 Jul 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for Noobs - Joining Multiple Files in Alteryx
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) Alteryx – Joining Three Files to Make a MegaFile Last week we had a client project in which we had to make one list of companies, with the attached data, a MegaFile if you will, out of three separate lists of companies, with their attached data
Mon 04 Jul 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) - Getting Started with Alteryx
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) – Getting Started with Alteryx Alteryx – Resources to get You Started When I first started using Alteryx, I was completely stumped, I had no idea where to start even understanding what it was that I had to do
Tue 28 Jun 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) - Tableau Tip - More Columns!
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) –A table with more than 6 columns? It’s #TableaTipTuesday and I thought I’d share the solution to a problem I had last week. Ever tried to make a table with more than 6 columns? I have, and at first I failed
Tue 14 Jun 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualistion for Noobs (like me) - Tip Tuesday - Colouring Sheet Tabs
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) – Colouring Sheet Tabs #TipTuesday Here’s a great tip I learned from Nisa (fellow dataschooler), on how to colour your sheet tabs
Mon 13 Jun 2016 | Amanda Patist
Dataschool Antics : #MakeOverMonday - The Workforce Gender Gap
Fri 10 Jun 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) - Using an LOD to Compare to a National Average
Thu 09 Jun 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data Visualisation for Noobs (Like Me) - Blue Pill or the Green Pill?
Data Visualisation for Noobs (like me) – a Tableau based blog series Understanding how Tableau thinks – discrete vs. continuous data This week (week 5) in the data school, we have each been given a topic to teach the rest of the class
Wed 08 Jun 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data visualisation for noobs (like me) - Lollipop graphs and custom shapes
Data visualisation for noobs (like me) – a Tableau based blog series How to make a lollipop graph with custom shapes I’m going to talk you through making a lollipop graph, with real lollipops! The first step is to bring some dimensions to your column and rows shelves
Tue 07 Jun 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data visualisation for noobs (like me) - Best practices
Data visualisation for noobs (like me) Best practices in data visualisation, a review of ‘Storytelling with Data’ and my before and after
Mon 06 Jun 2016 | Amanda Patist
Data visualisation for noobs (like me) - Resources to get you started
Wed 11 May 2016 | Amanda Patist
Day 3 of #DS3
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