Alex Fridriksson

Alex Fridriksson

The great themes of Alexander’s life have been storytelling, design and data. Alexander’s storytelling skills have been developed through theatre, public speaking and a Dale Carnegie training program where he received an award for outstanding performance.

His design skills have been developed through a international career in marketing, progressing from a marketing intern to a marketing manager, as well as working as a freelance graphic designer. His data skills started getting developed through studying philosophy, politics and economics (PPE) where he got an award for outstanding academic performance.

Alexander came across Tableau during his last job and it totally blew his mind. After seeing the power of Tableau he decided to make a life changing decision to go all in and attend the Data School.

Blog Posts

Fri 17 Aug 2018 | Alex Fridriksson
DW Day 5 - Wheelchair Access for Vancouver Public Toilets
Today was the last day of dashboard week. Over the course of the week, we had many different challenges, today’s challenge was mostly about time. We only had about 2 hours to make our visualisation today and did not have any WIFI, thankfully it was a very simple dataset which required no data prep
Thu 16 Aug 2018 | Alex Fridriksson
DW Day 4 - The Home Runs of Major League Baseball
This day we had over a century’s worth of data to analyse, I chose to focus on home runs. Prepping the data was fairly simple. We got one nicely formatted CSV file that we just had to separate into columns. The catch was however that there were no headers
Wed 15 Aug 2018 | Alex Fridriksson
DW Day 3 - How Is the Food Hygiene in London?
Today was the first day we had to deal with XML files, which was equal measures frustrating and fascinating. Today’s dataset was about the UK food hygiene rating and came from the Food Standards Agency
Tue 14 Aug 2018 | Alex Fridriksson
DW Day 2 - How much time to Americans spend on reading?
At the beginning of the day, it appeared that the data prep would be easy. That turned out to be seriously wrong… Today’s challenge was working with data from the American Time Use Survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Mon 13 Aug 2018 | Alex Fridriksson
DW Day 1 - The Quitters and Finishers of Prudential RideLondon
The first day of dashboard week is here at last! There have been whispers here and there… “dashboard week is coming”. Kind of gives the impression of Games of Thrones “winter is coming”. Some look back on it with horror, some say it was the best
Tue 17 Jul 2018 | Alex Fridriksson
Fun and games in Alteryx
Fri 22 Jun 2018 | Alex Fridriksson
When your data pane disappears
Has it ever happened to you that the data pane disappears? If it has not happened yet, I might happen soon. Here’s how to fix that. When this happens: You’ll find the data pane down here: Click it and all will be well 😉
Thu 21 Jun 2018 | Alex Fridriksson
Demystifying table calculations
It can be hard to wrap your head around how Tableau uses table calculations. You might be content just using the quick table calculations, but if you’re reading this blog you probably want to understand what is happening, not just rely on Tableau’s magic
Wed 20 Jun 2018 | Alex Fridriksson
When your fiscal year does not start in January
Does your fiscal year start on 1 April? Want a simple tip to change your fiscal year in Tableau? You’re in luck because this blog post is for you! What you want to do is right-click on your data source in the top right corner then select date properties
Tue 19 Jun 2018 | Alex Fridriksson
Easy seasonal cycle plot
You want to find out how your summer sales are performing over the years, what would you do? If you’re like most people you would probably do something like this: You might be content with this, after all, you can see how your summer months are performing
Mon 18 Jun 2018 | Alex Fridriksson
The joys and perils of data extracts
Why should I care about data extracts? If you have ever asked yourself that question then this blog post is for you! Data extracts are not just an annoying step you need to make before uploading your viz to tableau public
Mon 11 Jun 2018 | Alex Fridriksson
Here's to new beginnings!
Little did I know what I would be in for during this first day at The Data School. Arriving at the office at 8:45 I was met by Andy Kriebel and a few of my fellow Dataschoolers, there Andy gave us the first gift of many we would receive that day, namely our keycard
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