The last week of our training has started and, like every cohort before us, it is a dashboard week. Every day we get an assignement to solve and present on this day. Task for day 1 was to access the API and build an app to get data from the API. The app should allow the user to select a starting and end date, a postcode and the category of the crime. The API is very well documented here.
The API was good accessable and the parameters were very straightforward. I never built an app in Alteryx but it was a good managable task and at the end all requirements were fulfilled. Despite the category. I decided to take every category, otherwise my dashboard would bei less interesting.

For my dashboard I decided to keep it clean and hold the perspective from a person who is maybe responsible for several postcodes or has to take care of these information in another way.
Because of this administrative approach I took a look at the crimes which weren't processed in any way and highlight these. This gives the opportunity to make an action based on the Dashbaord. Other KPIs were the Total Crimes and a breakdown per category and per street.
This is my final dashbaord. Intercative version here.