This blog will give you a step by step guide on how to make a bar chart drill down. The method that we will be exploring will be using a parameter action.
Using the superstore data set i will explain how to drill down into sub-categories from categories; the final graph should look as follows:
The first step is to right click on the category field and create a parameter, this should give you a list of all each of the categories. We need to add one extra option which will not drill down into any of the categories when nothing is selected. I have called this 'None'.
This parameter then needs to be linked up with a calculated field, ensuring the action is dynamic. The calculation should return the amount of sales of the category that is selected by the parameter.
One final calculation needs to be made which allows the drill down to occur.
After dragging the following fields onto the view we have everything in order to create the actions- which allows the drill down after clicking the individual bars.
After clicking worksheet at the top of the view, select actions and add a parameter action.
Select the correct source sheet, what parameter you want to target then the source field. Remember to set value after clearing to 'None' to make sure the view goes to the original view if you click off the bar charts.
Enjoy jenny