Survivor! One of my favorite TV shows of all time. And this was the data set used for the final interviews in New York recently. The applicants have about 2 weeks; our teams have about 6 hours. Let's see how they do.
The data is based on the hit TV show Survivor and is provided in two formats.
1. castaway_season_combined.xlsx - This file contains two sheets, Data and Data Dictionary. The Data table is a joined version of three tables in the survivoR dataset: castaway, castaway_detail, and season_summary. The Data sheet contains the joined tables and the Data Dictionary sheet provides a description of each field as well as its source table. The Data Dictionary sheet also contains an important note regarding the granularity of the data.
This is the only data provided that we have documented. It is provided to be the base data from which you can build any number of visualizations and has plenty of room for interesting analysis. You will not be docked for using only this data in your final visualization.
2. Survivor-full-data.xlsx - This is an extra excel file that contains a sheet for every table of the survivoR dataset. It is provided for those who are interested in the full data. We do not provide any documentation on the fields in these tables or the join keys. This information can be found in the survivoR Github repo. They are welcome to use data from these tables in your final visualization but it is not required.
They need to include a link to the data source GitHub repo in your final visualization published to Tableau Public.
Get the data here.