How is it possible that DS28 is already in their last week of training? The time is absolutely flying by. I didn't get the chance to teach them often, so I'll make up for it this week with Dashboard Week.
The rules for dashboard week are pretty simple:
- They must work independently, unless otherwise specified.
- If data prep is required, they can use Alteryx or Prep.
- They must create a sketch of their plan for their dashboard.
- The dashboard they create must be uploaded to Tableau Public.
- They must write a blog post details their work throughout the day.
- At 3pm, they will present their data prep, sketch, viz, and anything else they would like to present.
For day 1, the team will need to visualize data from the New Orleans Police Department about videos taken from body worn cameras. There are ~4 million records in the data set, which includes locations, date, police district, etc. Since it’s one CSV, only one of them needs to download it.
They are more than welcome to supplement it with additional data. They can find more data about New Orleans on their open data website.
That’s it! Simple!