I have just finished my first week at the Data school after starting a month before the rest of my cohort (hello DS39). I am still settling in but thought I would share a few discoveries about life in the office.
1. They are not locking you out of the 1st floor toilets!
On my second day, I was working on the first floor and tried to go to the toilet. The door wouldn't open and I honestly thought they locked them during certain times. Good news: you are allowed to go! The door on this floor is really stiff and you just need to give it a bit of a shove to get it open.
Speaking of toilets, if you are looking for them on the second floor, they are located in the hallway by the lift. These ones are shared with another company on this floor.
2. Beware of the boiling tap!
On the first floor, the sink will produce instant boiling water if you use the left tap. Luckily, I made this discovery whilst trying to make a cup of tea and not washing my hands. On every floor, there is a coffee machine that can also dispense hot water.
3. Kitchen hide and seek
If you are looking for milk on the first floor, there is a hidden fridge under the counter. It is in disguise and looks like any of the other cabinets under the counter. The dishwasher is also hidden in the same way, to the left of the sink.
4. Recycling bins
I spent a long time trying to locate these and carried an empty can around for a really long time. They look like cabinets with holes in the top. On the first floor, they are located around the corner from the kitchen and on the second floor, they are in the far corner of the room.
I am yet to explore the 4th floor but I hope this helps you navigate your way around the other two.
p.s. the fire alarm sounds at 11 am every Friday. Don't know why.