On day 4, we were tasked with creating a viz as part of the Viz for Social Good community project.
We had to create a dashboard that explained the nature and causes of childhood obesity in UK, focusing on Lambeth and Southwalk.
Thankfully the data was very clean and didn’t need much prep however i brought it into Alteryx to join to spatial files so I could create a map in Tableau. Unfortunately I experienced some issues with this join which meant that data prep took longer than I expected but i managed to get it sorted with some help (thank you Bona).
We had data that gave us the obesity rate over time and also data on the socio-demographic side and I wanted to incorporate both into my final dashboard. My idea was to first look at how obesity in Lambeth and Southwalk changed over time compared to the other London boroughs for different age groups: 10-11 and 4-5. Then look at how different factors affected this obesity rate.
We also had some additional requirements set by Andy:
- Must use Tableau 2020.1
- Must use a custom Mapbox map; they can create one via Mapbox Studio)
- Must use animations
- Must use either set or parameter actions
Once I had brought my data into Tableau, I made a few initial charts to think about how I could build my dashboard.
Once I had a basic understanding of what i wanted to do, i started making the map in Mapbox. I had never used Mapbox before and enjoyed exploring the different features.
I then started building my dashboard but sadly didn’t get to finish what I had intended as I ran out of time. I struggled to decide on the story i wanted to tell so its ended up fairly general. Keeping the who, what, where, when, why and how in mind throughout the day would’ve helped me tell a story and reach a conclusion. I think with more time i could have improved the analysis of the dashboard as a whole and added some more elements to fill in the empty space.
My final dashboard: