Dashboard Week - Day 1

Today we got our  first dashboard week challenge and here's how I went about it.

The requirements:

  • Download data from here (River catches by rod and net)
  • Complete the necessary data prep
  • Create a Dashboard
  • Write a Blog

I began by downloading the data but it was initially in OpenSpreadshet format so I had to convert it into a Excel file.

Data Prep

Table 13 and 14 had a similar schema but with different header names so after doing a little bit of cleaning and filtering out unnecessary the rows I joined the two tables together and used a union tool to add back the rows that didn't join. Finally, I used a formula tool to convert the percentages into decimals so that they can formatted within Tableau. The image below shows the workflow for this.

Table 15 and 16 also had a similar schema but with different header names so I repeated most of the steps from the first workflow, and then had a separate output table for these two tables.  The image below shows the workflow for this.

I then did a relationship in Tableau on the EA Area field, and finally created this dashboard.

The first two graphs simply compare the overall number of salmon and trout caught by rod against net, and as you can see, rod catches far outnumber net catches. These graphs are also sorted by the region where the most salmon and trout were caught, and you can see that while the North West caught the most salmon and trout by rod, Wales caught the most by net. Both of these charts are drill down charts, so they can be drilled down into by the river.

I then chose to look at the fishing type, such as which type of fishing net was used. The chart on the bottom left shows the total number of salmon and trout captured based on the kind of fishing net used, while the chart on the bottom right shows the average weight of the fish for each fishing net being used.

And that was the first dashboard week challenge!

Lemis Tufail
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