Dashboard day 3: Ability

Today's dashboard day was all about data preparation - and so I'm writing this blog without a dashboard.

We were given a website of cheese information from https://cheese.com/. Each person had 3 letters of cheeses to download data from (A,B,C in my case). That being said eventually we had to use all the letters anyway so doesn't really matter. The task was to web-scrape all the cheese information and the description for use in a cheese oriented dashboard.

I was finding this a lot of fun, and all was going well, until my iterative macro broke. I was sure I had set it up right and was starting to get a bit frustrated. It turns out that I had set it up right, but including #top in the URL caused unnecessary issues AllMyHomiesHat#Top. After this, the rest of the workflow was a lot of regex, and regex101 really carried me through this section.

When the time came to convert my workflow from only picking cheeses that start with A,B,C to all of them, I had no issues since my macro was designed to pick up any page number.

All in all not taking any shortcuts really helped me out in the long run since my macro was very dynamic.

Workflow to webscrape all the information of the website
Iterative macro for pagination

The less said about my final dashboard the better. But if you really want to have a look then; https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/abiramm.thavajothy/viz/Cheezeitgroovesfinal/Dashboard1

Abiramm Thavajothy
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